Swgoh best stun team. Team suggestions for harder feats: Bossk lead bounty hunters with Zam, Dengar - Frenzy and Evasion Down, Stealth; JKR with Juhani - OR and Attempt to stun, Stealth; ClS with Chewpio and Bistan and R2 - Frenzy and Evasion. Swgoh best stun team

 Team suggestions for harder feats: Bossk lead bounty hunters with Zam, Dengar - Frenzy and Evasion Down, Stealth; JKR with Juhani - OR and Attempt to stun, Stealth; ClS with Chewpio and Bistan and R2 - Frenzy and EvasionSwgoh best stun team  They don't like that you asked for Empire

Dispel all buffs and inflict Stun and Vulnerable for 1 turn on target enemy. Vader - r7. Cscof 7 years ago #3. Characters; Ships; Abilities;. BIG changes in this updated all teams ranked in Galaxy of Heroes graphic! Link to download here - Strategy. As a note, that is not +10 Speed but +10% Speed – a BIG difference. Tenacity Up. No getting around this one at the moment, to be efficient, your guild will need several JTR teams to get past p1. This team is one of the more fun teams to play in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes, as you must be. You can 3-man SLKR with SEE, Armorer, GBA/Malak (depending on SLKR's offense stat). Shaak Ti also gives offense up to allies that don’t already have it, can’t remember if I saw her in your character list. GG is a Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Database and Squad Builder for the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes app on iOS and Android. Inspiring Through Fear: Darth Vader, Death Trooper, Emperor Palpatine, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Dark Trooper. Damage: 8237 - 9103. Processor (Diamond) – Speed mod. July 2, 2021 11:40AM. This team is the newest and. SWGOH GAC Counters SWGOH GAC Ship Counters Who To Attack Top GAC Squads Top GAC Leaders GAC Leaderboard Scan Player GAC Insight (Beta) GAC Navigation SWGOH Grand Arena Championships Meta Squads Based on 1,906,415 GAC Battles analyzed this season. GAC S eason 21 - 5v5 Season 41 - 3v3; Season 40 - 5v5; Season 39 - 3v3; GAC Insight Search You can click units to filter squads by that unit. ). 8. Interacts with units ability mechanics: Yes: Yes: Yes: Tenacity Down: Minimized chance to resist negative status effects. 83%. The first 4 are arguably required for any comp. Galactic Challenges is a player-vs-environment event that allows players to do challenging combat puzzles that will change on a regular basis. This challenge was so bloody painful. Target Lock. GG is a Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Database and Squad Builder for the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes app on iOS and Android. As mentioned above, Speed and Potency are the key stats to focus mod sets on with Offense, Tenacity and Protection as a secondary focus. Speed is the one constant in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes – without it you cannot be competitive 99% of the time. Revive with 80% Health and 30% TM when defeated. Find a nest node and cheese it so you extend the battle for the whole five minutes while you keep doing zebs special that gives tenacity up. Torture. Supreme Leader Kylo Ren. Threepio & Chewie. Rey gets Englightened at 5 turns. Send him in with a bunch of tanks on the squad, to maximize longevity. Jango and Candy are pure damage and BKK with her zeta gives you so much sustain power. Ordo_Sk. Spread Plague around to cause the Rebels to kill. Check out all the latest SWGOH Characters, stats and abilities on the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes App for iOS and Android!. Vulnerable. Lord Vader gains 50% of other Dark Side allies' current Mastery (stacking) until the. You want max score with Jabba, put an omicron on Leia. On the Hunt Unique Team Abilities: All Bounty Hunters gain +50% Max. Check out all the latest SWGOH Characters, stats and abilities on the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes App for iOS and Android! Toggle navigation. This page presents the best mods for Doctor Aphra in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. Taunt. KRU should use Stun, even against already stunned opponent, as it clears buffs temporarily and allows Red to assist and get %5 with a crit. GAC defense: EP, MJ, Visas and GK. A powerful Inquisitor that specializes in supporting the purge of all Jedi by applying devastating debuffs. Top Players Top Characters Meta Report Meta History Fleet Meta Report Best SWGOH Mods Omicron Report Zeta / Omega Report. SWGOH. Based on 18502 Fleet Arena Teams. Hutt Cartel gets bonuses from the explosives, so I used Cad Bane or Boba's AOE for those. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Database · SWGOH. SLKR use swipe to add advantage to prevent. Add a Comment. Cantina Battles: 5-B 12 (2x)Check out all of the SWGOH Abilities and Damage ranges for Star Wars, Galaxy of Heroes! Toggle navigation. Have Han stun Hux, and Thrawn TM swaps to. Lost 100% Turn Meter if damaged by attack. Here is my recommendation for the best mods for Bastila Shan: Transmitter (Square) – Offense/Speed mod with offense primary and a secondary focus on speed, health and offense. enemy Speed reduction, and team-wide stat bonuses Power 37507 · Health 37,968 · Speed 135. Tier 1: The best heroes in the game who perform really well in all aspects of the game and fit in most teams. Holo-Array (Triangle) – Critical Damage mod with +36% Critical Damage – any other stats gained are a bonus, but Commander Luke is worthy of your best mods so any with a secondary focus on speed. If all allies are Inquisitorius at the start of battle, they gain an additional 46% Max Health and Max Protection and 15 Speed, and they are immune to Ability Block. A stealthy member of the Inquisitorious with an arsenal of tricks and weapons to surprise his opponent. I like Palp/Vader + Tarkin and Shore. The calculating and relentless master of the Inquisitorius who specializes in dealing with Jedi. Jedi Master Kenobi is arguably the best unit in the game at the moment, and his Galactic Republic team defines the meta. Let’s take a look at the best mods for VS Chewbacca below. ALL TEAMS RANKED BEST TO WORST - APRIL 2023 - STAR WARS: GALAXY OF HEROES. I finished it with the same concept but a bit different in team (since I lack Gideon and Royal). A protocol droid specialized in etiquette, customs, translation, and torture. This team usually consists of 5. Last updated: GAC S eason 41 - 3v3 Season 41 - 3v3; Season 40 . Thrawn - r5. Awesomeness Redefined. And once again, the best team in Galaxy of Heroes goes to Jedi Master Kenobi’s Jedi team. in fact, in our Sith Triumvirate Raid guide. Tenacity Down. I used Vader lead, with Palpatine, Thrawn, and Moff Gideon, (yes undersized, was trying to lose Tarkin's AOE and debuffs) against the gear 12 squad of scoundrels in Bespin: Scoundrel Galactic Challenge. Stun. 17. The Rise of the Empire Territory Battle features six Phases which last. Today’s datacron to review is the Projecting Power datacron, the 5th set of datacrons in the game’s history. And the gear on chars really doesnt matter; as long at the other team is stunlocked you can go ham Palp R5, Dooku G12, Thrawn G12, Mara G11, Wat G9 Key is in using the event special with Wat and then just go into stun cycle with Mara and Palp. These are mod recommendations based on the character’s kit and actual gameplay to help you in your quest to dominate the Galaxy of Heroes holotables. 1. dark_magician07 • 2 yr. zPalp. Having a team with good synergy is the key to defeating your enemies across the galaxy, here are the top 5 Bounty Hunting teams in Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes. (all thoose mods are my tops mods so +80 to +150 speed for thoose 5 sets. It doesn’t cause a miss every time, although it has caused a bunch — but when I look at swgoh. Taunt. Boba, Mando, and Jango start with Bounty Hunter's Resolve, so use. ALL TEAMS RANKED BEST TO WORST - APRIL 2023 - STAR WARS: GALAXY OF HEROES. SWGoH - Churn out 40 kills with trashy Rebel Fighters in ONE battle. Recover 10% Health Per turn. I stilll beat them, but EP, Dooku, and Old Daka slow me down. It was also. blazerMFT 7 years ago #2. LS, any team with Old Ben. About : Offense Teams video link: Merch: My Twitch Channel:. Look to build a squad that looks like this: Old Ben (Lead), GMY, HYoda, Jedi Knight Anakin, and General Kenobi. Create your own SWGOH Avatar! Upload the photo you want and then zoom, rotate and crop your photo until it. But them in back to back zones so your opponent uses main counter on one, might get a hold on the other. Roster Building: 32 Best Teams Ranked (NO Galactic Legends!) Jan 2023. Units. A list of all SWGoH buffs and debuffs can be found below. Holo-Array (Triangle) – Potency mod with +36% critical damage – all other stats gained are bonus. Heavy hitters also can be a challenge. Phase 3 of the newest Territory Battles is here as the Rise of the Empire Territory Battle continues to progress. I use iden w/ zeta and omicron, storm w/ zeta, death, snow, and shore. Dark Side Battles: 2-A (Hard) 12: 50R-T. Substitutes: Recommended to use NS Spirit for added stun and TM removal, Acolyte or Talia can also work but may be much harder against teams with Resistance Heroes. Check out all the latest SWGOH Characters, stats and abilities on the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes App for iOS and Android!. FOST should use Basic, as it clears buffs temporarily and allows Red to assist and get %5 with a crit. The Meta Report shows the most commonly used Leaders, full Arena teams, and the most used characters at the top most Arena tiers. With Embo as Leader, this Bounty Hunter unit packs. Check out all the latest SWGOH Characters, stats and abilities on the Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes App for iOS and Android!. Target Lock. SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War – Phoenix Gear; SWGoH 101: Defeating Artist of War – The BattlesSWGOH. As your guest reviewer I cannot claim to have definitive answers but all toons I’ve written guides for have been maxed out, modded and tested to. Tenacity Down. Looking at your roster might have to use Zeb. JKL. In 3v3 this is much more likely to happen. Roster Building: 32 Best Teams Ranked (NO Galactic Legends!) Jan 2023. Adds 200% critical chance for one attack. · Special · Level 8. Stun. If your guild is earning Wat shards, he is great under a KRU First Order Team. Make sure you don’t bring in teams that assist a lot, as that whole teams recovers massive protection whenever you assist. About : Boush goes the dinamite! Catch our GAC battles live on Twitch: Come hang out in our Discord:. Dark Side · Leader · Support · Bounty Hunter · Smuggler · Leader · Galactic Legend · Hutt Cartel. If Padme was stunned then I went after Jokelee (Guardian). Algorithms and rankings could change at any point. All allies gain Critical Chance Up and Evasion. Let’s take a look at which mods will best enhance his kit for SWGoH success. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes upped the difficulty in the Assault Battles in early 2020 adding new rewards and much more difficult battles. Thus, here are my thoughts on the best mods for 0-0-0 in SWGoH: Transmitter (Square) – Potency mod with a primary focus on offense and a secondary focus on speed, potency, protection and tenacity. Target Lock. I tried, oh how I tried, with stun teams etc. But I don’t see success going against teams currently running in most older metas. Starkiller gains 4 stacks of Force Energy (max 100 stacks) each time he deals damage to an enemy, increased to 5 stacks on a critical hit. Star Wars Galaxy of Heroes Characters. Which team you find is tge best way. Jedi Knight Cal Kestis. Geonosian Brood Alpha is a powerful leader with an even more powerful summoned character who unleashes a flurry of devastating blows on the enemy. These are recommendations based on the possible datacrons stats and actual gameplay to help you in your quest to dominate the Galaxy of Heroes holotables. +15% Turn Meter Gain Chance. 5. At Gear 13 Jedi Knight Luke Skywalker has a base Critical Chance of 37. Since they are so new, this article will be updated in the coming weeks as we gather more data and can test out the best use of this. 1 Comment on "SWGoH: Quick Tips for Success in Conquest 14 – March 2022". It is important to remember that the context of battle is always important to the result; while we are presenting the raw. Seen 32200Welcome to the SWGOH. My team is modded as per swgoh. Family-friendly fun 60% of the time, all the time! ? 38 RotE Stars ? Central US ?. Dark Side · Attacker · Sith · First Order · AttackerBest Lord Vader DoT team: Lord Vader (L), Darth Vader, Wat Tambor, Grand Admiral Thrawn, Darth Nihilus. KRU, Wat, FOX, Kylo, (last FO is situational, I really like sfFOTP for his Speed-Up buff and targeted assist on this specific team) If considering Wat, good choices to skip would be FOST, Hux, and Sith Trooper. Power 37507 · Health 30,085 · Speed. I get the occasionally hold still in a2. Whenever a Sith Empire ally is inflicted with a debuff, they recover 10% Health. SWGOH. Stun feat Goenosis Mandalorian. there is no way for me to magically peek into your SWGOH account through Google Sheets (that I am aware of), so everything will have to be filled in manually. Though the team lacks synergy, all characters do their jobs well and will aid in bringing a player below Rank 500 easily. At 100 stacks, he loses all stacks of Force Energy and gains Unleashed until the end. Tenacity Up. Team 2 was Wiggs, Lando, 5's and Leia. You don't need to have breach on them before mass swarm anymore, they changed that. The combat puzzles utilize modifiers and feats to keep players looking for fresh new ways to complete the challenges. Taunt. Dark Side · Tank · Empire · TankIf they are a Droid, Stun them for 1 turn, which can't be Evaded. Save these guys for offense, ideally against a team with a weak link. Mk 5 A/KT Stun Gun. Stunning Tactics – In order to attempt to Stun 100 times you have a lot of. Check out all of the SWGOH Abilities and Damage ranges for Star Wars, Galaxy of Heroes! Check out all of the SWGOH Abilities and Damage ranges for Star Wars, Galaxy of Heroes!. The combination of R2-D2, C-3PO, and Chewbacca makes this team formidable to any opponent. 10 Rebels. Jabba is probably the best team in the game. Reinforce Order: Geonosian Spy > Ebon Hawk > Situational decision Strategy: Start the fight targeting HT to limit his TM gain, use. Here are my recommendations for the best mods for Sith Eternal Emperor: Transmitter (Square) – Speed mod with offense primary and a secondary focus on speed, health, protection and defense. Run the rest of your JTR - Goal 3. This data is pulled from the top 1000 Kyber GAC players in SWGOH, and consists of data from 428 characters. Deal Special damage to target enemy twice and inflict Daze for 2 turns. A powerful Inquisitor that specializes in supporting the purge of all Jedi by applying devastating debuffs. SWGOH GAC Counters SWGOH GAC Ship Counters Who To Attack Top GAC Squads Top GAC Leaders GAC Leaderboard Scan Player GAC Insight (Beta) GAC Navigation SWGOH Grand Arena Championships Meta Squads Based on 939,715 GAC Battles analyzed this season. Bounty Hunter Support with a powerful Stun and bonuses against Jedi characters Power 33115 · Health 33,095 · Speed 133. Be aware of the Phoenix team’s endurance, which can be countered by Stun, Daze, and Heal Block. Tier 3: These heroes are decent, but require good allies (heroes) in the team to perform well. Processor (Diamond) – Offense/Speed. Close . T3-M4. Taunt. Furious Assault.