Spotsbergen. Our three places to stay form a circuit of complementary experiences, and a travel in time. Spotsbergen

 Our three places to stay form a circuit of complementary experiences, and a travel in timeSpotsbergen  Svalbard Kirke, Longyearbyen

New Nor­we­gi­an wea­pon law from 01 June. She is modern and environmentally progressive and will undergo further. Ny-Ålesund is located in Oscar II Land, in the northwest portion of Spitsbergen island in the Svalbard archipelago. Start Planning My Trip. Svalbard, Norway. Whaling. The Horn­sund is well-known for its lar­ge colo­nies of Litt­le auks, the­re are hundreds of thou­sands of them bree­ding in the Horn­sund; most of Svalbard’s Litt­le auks breed eit­her here or in the nor­thwest of Spits­ber­gen. Because once the wheels are down in Spitsbergen, the good times start. PLA09-23 Take a cruise around Spitsbergen and explore the icy waters of the North Atlantic. 2. 2677. png 548 × 347; 420 KB Franz Wilhelm Schiertz - View from Norskøyene on Spitsbergen - NG. Spend your days on a constant search for wildlife, exploring as much of the area as possible to optimize the opportunities to spot the most iconic of arctic wildlife, the polar bear. Svalbard. Nor­we­gi­an artil­lery in Grønfjord. In fact, it is the only permanently settled island in the archipelago. Somewhere in the High Arctic, between 76 and 80 degrees latitude North, Spitsbergen, meaning "pointed mountains”, awaits you for seven days of unforgettable travel looking out for wild life. West Spitsbergen & Polar Ice Edge aboard the Sea Spirit. Spitsbergen Tourism: Tripadvisor has 17,522 reviews of Spitsbergen Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Spitsbergen resource. Cruising the Svalbard Archipelago aboard a comfortable, ice-strengthened vessel, you'll discover Spitsbergen, the largest island in Svalbard - known to Vikings, traders and early explorers. Pla­tå­berg: Longyearbyen’s most popu­lar moun­tain hike. Plan visits to Svalbard Museum, Safaris + Pyramiden. It is also home to Svalbard’s main historical monuments. This image of the island and its topography was captured by the Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer (ASTER) on NASA’s Terra satellite on July 12, 2003. Dates: 25/06/2024 to the 11/07/2024. Room types. It is also home to Svalbard’s main historical monuments. During the polar nights and winter, you can expect temperatures in and around -16C (2F). The Svalbard Global Seed Vault ( Norwegian: Svalbard globale frøhvelv) is a secure backup facility for the world's crop diversity on the Norwegian island of Spitsbergen in the remote Arctic Svalbard archipelago. Isfjord is Spitsbergen’s lar­gest fjord. Hurtigruten has a long history of traveling to Spitsbergen, beginning in 1896 with the ‘Sports Route’. This deve­lo­p­ment has, howe­ver, chan­ged at least to some degree when ships car­ry­ing hea­vy fuel were ban­ned from Spitsbergen’s pro­tec­ted are­as such as natio­nal parks in 2014. Dates: 25/06/2024 to the 02/07/2024. She is modern and environmentally progressive and will undergo further. Order now. At 79-degrees north, Ny-Ålesund is generally referred to as the world's northernmost permanently inhabited civilian settlement. Call 1. See more current weather. Price is per person, based on double occupancy, based on availability, and subject to change at any time. Svalbard is an archipelago that is situated in the Arctic Ocean to the north of the European mainland. The largest island of the Svalbard archipelago, Spitsbergen is known as the “wildlife capital of the Arctic,” and on this unforgettable 12-day voyage, you will discover why. Scenic Spitsbergen. The islands lie between longitude 10° and 35° E and latitude 74° and 81° N, about 580 miles (930 km) north of Tromsø, Norway. Price is per person, based on double occupancy, based on availability, and subject to change at any time. MS Spitsbergen has her own onboard Expedition Team which serves as a university at sea. . The poster visualises the diversity of Spitsbergen‘s huts and their stories in a range of Arctic landscapes. The Spitsbergen double calender 2023 is available, with Bear Island and Jan Mayen News. Building on our Spitsbergen Highlights and Intro to Spitsbergen itineraries, this longer journey has been designed to. Spitsbergen (trước đây gọi là Tây Spitsbergen; tiếng Na Uy: Vest Spitsbergen hay Vestspitsbergen) là đảo lớn nhất và cũng là đảo duy nhất có người sinh sống thường xuyên của quần đảo Svalbard tại Na Uy. Spitsbergen itself is by far the largest island within the Svalbard archipelago. Contact one of Adventure Life's expert Spitsbergen trip planners for help planning a seamless. 210 €. Svalbard is the official Norwegian name for the island archipelago located 600 miles north of Norway's North Cape, but most of the outside world knows the place as Spitsbergen, which is, in fact. The companion book for the Svalbardhytter poster. 10 days from: $8895. Claimed. 1. The archipelago covers a total area of about 61,022 km 2, of which 36,502 km 2. Scenic Spitsbergen. Arctic Wildlife Safari. The archipelago covers a total area of about 61,022 km 2, of which 36,502 km 2. The poster visualises the diversity of Spitsbergen‘s huts and their stories in a range of Arctic landscapes. Hence, a grid size of 1 m × 1 m x 1 m was used to capture the main depositional and. 25% Ponant Bonus. The category of stateroom to which this price applies may no longer be available. Ear­lier, the main island was cal­led Vest-Spits­ber­gen; this name is aban­do­ned. Spitsbergen Svalbard: Nature and history, news, fine guidebooks, polar expeditions, more than 10,000 beautiful photos, triplogs, 360°-panoramas and linksThere are nine main islands that make up Svalbard. HDS11x23 This cruise around Spitsbergen gives you a great chance to see whales, foxes, reindeer, seals, and polar bears. Landsat satellite imagery and topographic maps were used for digitalization of the ice-cliffs line. Spitsbergen 14 Day Extended Forecast. Spend your days on a constant search for wildlife, exploring as much of the area as possible to optimize the opportunities to spot the most iconic of arctic wildlife, the polar bear. Mine 2b: Father Christ­mas’ mine. One key chan­ge is this: The respon­si­bi­li­ty to check the borrower’s appro­pria­ten­ess to be given a wea­pon is not the owner’s any­mo­re but. The category of stateroom to which this price applies may no longer be available. This is. The islands were named Spitsbergen ("sharp-pointed mountains") by a Norwegian, Wilhelm Barentz, in 1596 and were soon after visited in 1605 by Henry Hudson, who reported an abundance of whales. From the simplicity of. Enhance your. • Nordvest-Spitsbergen Nordvest-Spitsbergen National Park is a glorious land of mountain peaks, glaciers, and offshore islands. 25% Ponant Bonus. conventional short form: Svalbard (sometimes referred to as Spitsbergen, the largest island in the archipelago) etymology: 12th century Norse accounts speak of the discovery of a "Svalbard" - literally "cold shores" - but they may have referred to Jan Mayen Island or eastern Greenland;. The­re is not enough snow and ice any­mo­re for ski­ing or sled­ging (using dogs or fuel), but still too much for hiking or the boat sea­son. Isfjord is Spitsbergen’s lar­gest fjord. 500. Svalbard ( Russian: Шпицберген, Shpitsbergen or Грумант, Grumant) is a group of islands located between the Arctic Ocean, Barents Sea, Greenland Sea, and the Norwegian Sea. The Norwegian archipelago Svalbard lies between the north of mainland Norway and the North Pole, experiencing endless days in summer and total darkness in winter. conventional long form: none conventional short form: Svalbard (sometimes referred to as Spitsbergen, the largest island in the archipelago) etymology: 12th century Norse accounts speak of the discovery of a "Svalbard" - literally "cold shores" - but they may have referred to Jan Mayen Island or eastern Greenland; the archipelago was traditionally known as Spitsbergen, but Norway. To start with, we have to defi­ne what we are tal­king about. MS Spitsbergen is named after the crown jewel of Arctic Norway: the Spitsbergen archipelago. Svalbard, (Old Norse: “Cold Coast”) archipelago, part of Norway, located in the Arctic Ocean well north of the Arctic Circle. 25% Ponant Bonus. Litt­le auks breed under lar­ge bol­ders, which means that you can’t see the nest its­elf. Discovering the incredible geology of Spitsbergen, easily observable with the naked eye due to the archipelago’s short vegetation. Spitsbergen showcases Arctic beauty in its untouched glory—a wilderness of steep mountains, stark glaciers, and eerily beautiful islands. The archipelago of Spitsbergen and Svalbard are located only 1,000km south of the North Pole and about the same distance from the northern Norwegian mainland. After a complete reconstruction, MS Spitsbergen joined the Hurtigruten fleet in 2016. The expedition will make a landing on the island of Kvitøya, a site of historical significance, and home of a large walrus population. MS Spitsbergen cruises along the Norwegian coast from September to May and becomes part of our Global Explorer sailings the rest of the year. The port is located on Spitsbergen island's west coast, halfway along Isfjorden's southern part,. The expedition will make a landing on the island of Kvitøya, a site of historical significance, and home of a large walrus population. Ori­gi­nal­ly, the coal field was occup­pied by Ber­til Hög­bom from Swe­den, but mining acti­vi­ties did not reach an indus­tri­al level and the pro­per­ty was sold to Rus­sia in 1926. Duration: 12 days. Sun & Moon. The outcrop at Kvalhovden is reservoir scale, with a length of 1500 m and height of approximately 250 m. Tạo thành phần phía tây của quần đảo, đảo giáp với Bắc Băng Dương, biển Na Uy và biển Greenland. Start Planning My Trip. Spitsbergen Tourism: Tripadvisor has 17,522 reviews of Spitsbergen Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Spitsbergen resource. Choose between the best small ship cruises to Svalbard, Norway, just 600 miles from the geographic North Pole and due north of the Scandinavian destinations of Norway, Sweden, and Finland. From the simplicity of the old days in the Arctic, to the modern and comfortable hotel lodging. Longyearbyen serves as the. Posted on 7. 406. It is famous for the north pole expe­di­ti­ons laun­ched by the Swe­de Salo­mon August Andrée and the. northernmost part of the Kingdom of Norway; consists of nine main islands; glaciers and snowfields cover 60% of the total area; Spitsbergen. 1. Starting from 27. Danskøya. The crafts were excellent and very tempting, the. The ship features high technical standards as well as comfortable, modern public areas and cabins. This keeps most of the lar­ge crui­se. It is composed of several islands such as Spitsbergen, Nordaustlandet, Edgeøya, Barentsøya, Kvitøya, Kong Karls Land, Prins Karls Forland, Bjørnøya, and Hopen. Starting From: $8,479 USD. (Weather station: Svalbard Lufthavn, Svalbard and Jan Mayen). Starting From: €6,116 EUR. The complete guidebook. Starting from 27. Spitsbergen Svalbard: Nature and history, news, fine guidebooks, polar expeditions, more than 10,000 beautiful photos, triplogs, 360°-panoramas and linksHistory of Spitsbergen. The­re is a per­ma­nent­ly staf­fed Nor­we­gi­an wea­ther sta­ti­on at the north coast of. Gene­ral: Dan­s­køya (“Danish Island”) is a rather small island and the nor­thwes­tern cor­ner of Spits­ber­gen. The list of Svalbard settlements (all located on the Spitsbergen island) include Longyearbyen (main and largest), Barentsburg (Russian mining community), Ny-Ålesund (research station) and Sveagruva (aka Svea, Norwegian mining community). • Nordvest-Spitsbergen Nordvest-Spitsbergen National Park is a glorious land of mountain peaks, glaciers, and offshore islands. 541. Accor­ding to the regi­on, eit­her polar fox or polar bear could be more important. com +47 79 02 34 51; Toll-free reservations. The fox was trap­ped with woo­den traps which kil­led the fox with a hea­vy weight of stones in order not to dama­ge the fur. The link “show web­cam” will open a frame with the web­cam. Price is per person, based on double occupancy, based on availability, and subject to change at any time. The site was chosen for its cold conditions and permafrost, which. Although our expeditions on our sailing ships are the most unique of all the voyages you can make on Spitsbergen, they are still very affordable. You’ll visit some of the world’s most dramatic fjords, immense U-shaped valleys, and glaciers preparing to calve icebergs into the sea. See more current weather. Check-out: 11:00 AM. Country name. Scattered clouds. Svalbard is the world's northernmost settlement with a permanent civilian population. Starting out from the isolated Spitsbergen outpost of Longyearbyen, this expedition heads down through the Arctic Circle, taking in the islands of the Svalbard Archipelago, the north-east coast of Greenland and the journey over the Denmark Strait to Iceland. The archipelago is composed of nine main islands: Spitsbergen (formerly West. Description defies words, it is one of the most remote, wild and stunning landscapes I have ever seen in 60 years of. Svalbard, (Old Norse: “Cold Coast”) archipelago, part of Norway, located in the Arctic Ocean well north of the Arctic Circle. Isfjord is Spitsbergen’s lar­gest fjord. The archipelago is composed of nine main islands: Spitsbergen. Spitsbergen 14 Day Extended Forecast. 406. In a stric­ter sen­se, we think of fro­zen sea­wa­ter when we are tal­king about drift ice. DST Changes. 5. For more, detail­ed infor­ma­ti­on: the Gui­de­book Spits­ber­gen-Sval­bard. The total land area. This com­pi­la­ti­on of Spits­ber­gen web­cams shows what it looks like in dif­fe­rent parts of Spits­ber­gen right now. See moreSpitsbergen, formerly West Spitsbergen (Vestspitsbergen), largest island of the Svalbard archipelago, part of Norway, in the Arctic Ocean. 24 mm, 10 sec. On Spitsbergen cruises, look out for whales and orcas and massive walruses, and disembark to discover glaciers and. A land of spectacular beauty. The cli­ma­te is favoura­ble, at least for Sval­bard stan­dards, as the gulf stream keeps the fjord lar­ge­ly. Tun­dra in Advent­da­len, late May. The frigid waters of the Arctic let you experience wonders like the Northern Lights or the towering fjords, and. Spitsbergen - Spitsbergen is the most populated and largest island (occupies an area of 39,044 square km) in Svalbard. 2, ISO 800. This chan­ged in June 1941, when Hit­ler atta­cked the Sov­jet Uni­on, as the Barents Sea now got a new stra­te­gi­cal signi. Around Spitsbergen - Kvitoya, In the realm of Polar Bear & Ice. Spitsbergen, the largest of the islands in the Svalbard Archipelago, sits well inside the Arctic Circle, just south of 80 degrees north latitude. 541. The book tells the stories of the huts in three languages. Svalbard, Norway. Pyra­mi­den is one of the Rus­si­an sett­le­ments of Spits­ber­gen. In. Spitsbergen Tourism: Tripadvisor has 17,522 reviews of Spitsbergen Hotels, Attractions, and Restaurants making it your best Spitsbergen resource. Other available dates. Trust Arcticugol excluded from Svalbard Reiselivsråd News. Spend your days on a constant search for wildlife, exploring as much of the area as possible to optimize the opportunities to spot the most iconic of arctic wildlife, the polar bear. In 1995 and 2018 King Harald V and Queen Sonja visited Pyramiden and came by the restaurant for a short coffee break. It is also home to Svalbard’s main historical monuments. Starting out from the isolated Spitsbergen outpost of Longyearbyen, this expedition heads down through the Arctic Circle, taking in the islands of the Svalbard Archipelago, the north-east coast of Greenland and the journey over the Denmark Strait to Iceland.