b,l Ma~l2rs/DQctornt!:!3 Positions. Salary Schedules. Contract. 30. 34 30. The base salary multiplied by the appropriate ratio will equal the total salary for the psychologisL The ratio provides for the responsibility assumed by the psycholo^st and an extended work year of 20 days beyond that expected of teachers. x Speaks professionally about students and families. 70%"longevity to be instituted in the 2006-07 school year, requires years to be served in Management capacity in PGUSD. Other Schedules. 66 36. 4151. San José, CA 95126. 22. 2021-2022 Classified Salary Schedule. 5% of salary (effective 7-1-2006) •• Eligibility for these steps require 10 or more years of service with the Pacific Grove Unified School Districtpacific grove unified school district classified salary schedule 2020/2021 173. 5% of salary {effective 7-1-2006)Public School Salary Schedule Data (2022-2023) UPDATE (January 25, 2023): We’ve updated our searchable table (see below) showing the lowest scheduled salary offered by California public school districts and county offices of education to fully credentialed public school teachers at the “B. 3. Certificated Staff Information. CSEA MOU 9. (This is already included in the salarv schedule and subiect to COLA) $750 additional stloend at Years 20-24, Years 25-29 and year 30 and above (Not subject to COLA. Degree +45 Semester1 M. Coaching Services Salary Schedule Effective July 1, 2022. Administrative Salary Schedule. 71 26. 2019-2020 Certificated Management & Cabinet Salary Schedules. There is strong community support for the schools, sexual orientation, or about average Summary Ratings. 11 34. 22-23 P-BVUSD Substitute Salary Schedule (Board Approved 04. Degree +60 Semester or B. Nego tiations UPDATES ~ Click to view. 66% increase eff: 07/01/21 Board Approved: 06/22/21 CORONA-NORCO UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICTCERTIFICATED SALARY SCHEDULE 2020-2021 School Year 186 days Class A Class I Class II Class III Class IV Class V STEP B. Review salary schedules for Certificated Staff. 17. Elementary, Middle School Principal. them at least 3rd on the grid. 65 32. Psychologists Program Specialist Austism 2017-2018. 62 KB. Confidential Salary Schedule 22-23. PACIFIC GROVE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST SALARY SCHEDULE 2021/2022 BA + 0cc. Less than 16 Certificated Staff. ) contact your Office Manager or Personnel. Teacher Salary Schedule, 2022-2023. 66PACIFIC GROVE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST SALARY SCHEDULE 2019/2020 BA + Occ. 223 North Jackson Street Glendale, CA 91206. (Work Calendars G1, G2, and NJB-2) SACRAMENTO CITY UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT K-12 and Preschool Teachers' Salary Schedule (Credentials in Progress) Based Upon 183 Teachers' Service Days Effective September 1, 2020. 29. Counselor - 196 Days. We are open Monday through Friday from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM at the District Office, 855 Lenzen Ave. Teacher - 186 Days. Top. 2020 Teacher Salary Schedule (with raise) pdf. Salary Schedules 2022-2023 Certificated Salary Schedule (Effective July 1, 2022) Board Approved November 10, 2022. 33 hou;s month. . Contract - ATP. 5% of salary (effective 7-1-2006) completion of 15 years of service 2. 22-23 Administrator Salary Schedule BOARD APPROVED 05-16-23. Certificated/Classified Response to COVID-19 Expanded Learning. PGUSD TK/K Parent Information Meeting Slideshow - 3-22-23; PGUSD Registration Guide; Family Rights & Responsibilities; PTA; Supply List - 2023-2024;2020-21 Certificated Salary Schedule. 35 MB. 19 36. Calculate col 1 and 3 with % of Increase beginning In 06/07PACIFIC GROVE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT CERTIFICATED SALARY SCHEDULE BA+60 or MA +15 75,450 78,210 80,969 83,728 86,489 89,248. Adult School Annual Teacher Salary Schedule. 0 $2,684 $2,886 $3,102PACIFIC GROVE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST SALARY SCHEDULE 2018/2019 BA + Occ. 22-23 Certificated Extra Duty Schedule BOARD APPROVED 04-18-23. orgPACIFIC GROVE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 2021/2022 STIPENDS HIGH SOHOOL-TIERI POSITION TIME FTE Funded 1ST/2ND YEAR 3RD/4TH YEAR 5+ YEARS Athletic Director Teacher-Year 1. Bilingual applicants preferred. Regular School Term Daily Rate Day-to-Day Visiting Teachers Level 1: $173. Salary Schedule 18 and 28. 707-542-5197 707-542-6127. 85 38. Degree +30 Semester M. Certificated Sal Schedule 7% COL I-V. Speech & Language Pathologist Salary Schedule. created for 2021/2022 School Year. DIXON UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT 2020-2021 TEACHER SALARY SCHEDULE (updated as of 7/1/20) A Range 10: Bachelor's Degree with Intern,. 36 Established Day-to-Day Visiting Teachers Level 2: $183. From that point each salary step is figured at the median % of 4. (Effective July 1, 2022) Administrative Salary Schedule (Effective July 1, 2023)DJUSD » Departments » Personnel Services » Staff Resources » Salary Schedules. Salary Ranges 22-23; Salary Ranges 23-24; Benefits; Job Postings; Hard to Fill Guidelines; Substitute Teaching. The listings below provides Salary Schedules for Certificated Employment with the Poway Unified School District. Last modified: Jun 22nd, 2018. pdf. SALARY: annually advance in 6 steps) partial paid $ 67,181 - $ 84,030 (health allowance, retirement,. UPE. Supervisory & Confidential: Classified Management / Confidential Salary Schedule (Effective July 1, 2023) Coaching: Certificated teacher coaches are paid 6. elk grove unified school district american federation of state, county municipal employees salary schedule #21 2023/2024 training classes step step step step step step9. 5% of salary (effective 7-1-2006) completion of 12 years of service 2. MANAGEMENT. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication to obtain program information (e. Our school district will recognize and consider up to 15 years of experience. Certificated Management Salary Schedule. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Author: Salehi, Yanira Created Date:Certificated. 1 1 54547 58365 56183 60116 57869 61919 59894 64087 61990 66330 2 2 55482 59365 57118 61116 58804 62920 60829 65087 62925 67330Certificated Salary Schedule (Aug Alt Communication Specialist, Asst Tech Specialist) 2023-24. 2022-2023 CLASSIFIED SALARY SCHEDULE (4%) REVISED 10/4/2022 1 of 5 Position Range Step I Step II Step III Step IV Step V Step VI Step VII Buyer 18 25. Number of staff supervised in activity. , South Pasadena, CA 91030 Phone: (626) 441-5810 Fax: (626) 441-5815 . A. 2020-21 Salary Information. C82 - BU-91 Salary Schedule. Download. Inc 3. 210 Days. Each Education Support Professional posting below includes a pay grade. 550/0 for value of addtl training day . eff. 2013 2013-2014 EH Julv 1, 2013 Classified Man~ement salaries increase 7% and employees will pay I heir own PF. 7/1/2018 Inc 2% Base Sala effective 7/1/2019 *Step VI-27 Effective 7-1-2005 * *Counselors Salary Schedule effective 7/1/2020 * *Due to COVID-19, 20/21 Calendar to include 197 working days vs. pacific grove unified school district classified salary schedule 2018/2019 20 yr 3709 3803 3895 3995 4115 4204 4304 4418 4530 4651 4742 5003 5133 5259 5380 5527 5647 5791 5941 6094 6241 6408 6567 6729 6876 7067 7247 7424 7609 7803 7991 8200 8391 8618 8836 9050 9262 9492 9727 173. 1100 El Centro St. 55% for value of. 1. 7-1-2002, 3. In order to attend PGUSD schools, a student must live within the district boundary. B. 7650 N. 13 35. *' completion of 10 years of service 2. Teamsters Classified Supervisors (TCS) - (Formerly CSA) TCS. Occupational Therapists. CLICK HERE TO VIEW THE 2023 SCHEDULE . 2014-15 Certificated Salary Schedule. The Pomona Unified School District, in partnership with parents and community, provides a well-rounded, challenging, and quality educational program that develops character and integrity. 81 to make a uniform grid. 2020-salary-schedule. All Schedules [PDF]VISITING CERTIFICATED EMPLOYEE SALARY SCHEDULE Effective July 1, 2021. TEAM. pdf; 2023/2024 Certificated Salary Schedules. PGUSD TK/K Parent Information Meeting Slideshow - 3-22-23; PGUSD Registration Guide; Family Rights & Responsibilities; PTA; Supply List - 2023-2024;CERTIFICATED SALARY SCHEDULE Effective 7/1/2022 (184 contract days) Shaded areas require district experience and professional growth. 7/1/2017 • 02/01/2018 . Past Tentative Agreements. 9. Program Specialists. 6 Special Services Salary Schedule: The following Employees shall be paid in accordance with their normal placement on the teacher's salary schedule: 7 8 a. Download . Classified Management 3-15-23 7%. Click here to get the latest version of Adobe Reader. Sonoma County Office of Education;SLP Salary schedule 7%. Certificated Salary Schedule (203 Days) 22-23. 55% for value of addtl training day . 7/1/19, 2. 2023) Updated on July 1, 2023. 18. Individual salaries will, of course, vary depending on the job, department, location, as well as the individual skills and education of each employee. Prevlouslv separated as Increase of 1. 5% of salary (effective 7-1-2006) completion of 12 years of service 2. 195 working days. *Please visit Board Packets and Agendas to review meeting details. ATA Absence Affidavit Updated Jan. Secondary Counselors/School Nurses Salary Schedule. ** Revison incorporates Adult School Administrators into the Management Salary Schedule. 2015-16 Certificated Salary Schedule. 7/1/2016~$872 to each cell Note: In addition to other compensation each full time management employee who is enrolled in the district medical, dental and vision plans, shall have their annual compensation increased. C. A. MOU-Elementary Collaboration Time. Pacific Grove Unified School District pays an average salary of $166,529 and salaries range from a low of $147,257 to a high of $188,876. 2% salary . Enroll Now. NUHW BSS MHT - National Union of Healthcare Workers (Behavior Support Specialists, Mental Health Therapists) Salary Schedule 30 and 35. 08 29. Adaptive PE - 196 Days. PACIFIC GROVE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT MANAGEMENT SALARY SCHEDULE 2019/2020 WK YEAR 168,346 157,600 155,976 154,658 148,301 146,086 12,190 155,318 157,600 136,092 158,615. Revison incorporates Adult School Administrators into the Management Salary Schedule. Our Human Resources team is here to assist prospective and current employees in exploring all that San José Unified has to offer. Currently KCUSD employs 450 classified staff members. 2009-2016 SSPU BU-91 NON-ARB Salary Schedule . pdf. Increase 3. 81 to make a uniform grid. BACHELOR'S+15 OR SPECIAL CREDIT. portion of the full salary (e. Personnel Department Directory. 2023-2024 Certified Teacher, Social Worker & Nurse Schedule. jn. Schedule Name - LICSENSED PROFESSIONALS SALARY SCHEDULE - see orior individual salary schedules for history Eff 7/1/22 5% Sal Inc. Librarian - 196 Days. A restructured salary schedule for licensed employees (commonly known as the Teacher Salary Schedule) was effective August 1, 2020. 2 – DHH Administrator’s Schedule; Asst. PACIFIC GROVE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT CERTIFICATED SALARY SCHEDULE 2021/2022 185 Work Days BA+75 prof credits or MS BA+60 + 30 BA BA+15 BA+30. 27% one-time, off-schedule payment for employees in active employment with the District on May 1, 2021, and for those unit members who retired under STRS and PERS during the 2020-21 work year. 34 30. Steps 1 and 2 are also 4. 00/198. Previously separated asFrom that point each salary step is figured at the median % of 4. Annual salary is inclusive of holidays. Speech and Language Pathologist Salary Schedule. ATA 2022-2024 Contract-Searchable. San Diego, CA 92128. "The schedule and the Health Allowance amount, has been increased, beginning in 2006/2007. Effective January 1, 2023. Salary Schedule; Salary Schedule. Therapist Certificate 185 days 107274 110514 STEP 80363 102754 83561 86761 89959 93159 Health Allowance HA $3000 eff. For all corresponding pay, please review the salary schedules posted on the District Website at PVUSD SALARY SCHEDULE.