org. Choose Congregation Main Campus. We exist to help people to Know God, Follow God, Discover Purpose, and Make a Difference while helpi Pearlside Church | Aiea HIPearlside Church Kaneohe Campus. Feb 1, 2021. Call. Top. Pearlside is one church consisting of multiple congregations. SCROLL DOWN. In group, members process the weekend message and apply God’s word into their lives, receive prayer and accountability to follow Christ, and are empowered to reach out and share their faith. June 6, 2021 | Kei Omo | KaneoheMatthew 28:19. Our Pearlside resources is designed to equip you to make disciples and empower leaders to fulfill God's plan for their lives. To. 2 Corinthians 9:7 Online Giving Pearlside uses a simple, convenient, and secure way to give called Pushpay. Stages of Disciple Making - Stage 3: Come and Be With Me. Let us help you find your fit in life-giving community. Phone: (808) 484-0061 Email: [email protected]. Please note: Kids Church (Nursery + Elementary) will be. Specialties: For each of us to know God, follow God, discover our purpose, and make a difference by helping others do the same. The Life Matters Ministry believes through strong marriages and families, we will build a strong church that is committed to making disciples, raising leaders, and planting churches. May 26, 2019 | Kei Omo | KaneoheMarch 8, 2020 | Kei Omo | KaneoheApril 11, 2021 | Kei Omo | KaneoheMarch 7, 2021 | Kei Omo | KaneoheJanuary 3, 2021 | Kei Omo | Kaneohe© 2023 Pearlside Church Kaneohe. It’s fast, free, and secure. The company's filing status is listed as Active and its File Number is 320789 D2. We want to help you become the person God made you to be. org Fax: (808) 484-9356 © 2017. Leadership Group Guide - August 2022. Alfredo Canencia, Jr. . Viewing entries in SeasonsKaneohe; Fight for Consistency June 1, 2023 by Pearlside Team. *Updated every Thursday*. Every miracle Jesus performed started with a conversation. 3,883 likes · 46 talking about this · 13,173 were here. JOIN US THIS EASTER! Celebrate Easter at Pearlside and experience the miracle of new life. December 25, 2021 | Kei Omo | KaneohePearlside CYA is our college and young adults ministry. We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. If you or anyone you. Recordings Available at 3:00 PM. Jan 6, 2021. Add a link to your Boxing Gym or club!! If you have a boxing gym or club and you would like to add. org Fax: (808) 484-9356 © 2017. Her father, Kei Omo, is a pastor at Grace Bible Pearlside (Kaneohe campus). Stages of Disciple Making - Stage 4: Come Take Up Your Cross. Sermons GIVE Resources Church Plants Kaneohe — Images — View LocationsWelcome to Pearlside Church Online! No matter where you are in the world, we’re so glad you can join us. With more than 200 agency partners across O‘ahu and Kaua‘i, Hawai‘i Foodbank is committed to providing safe food access to everyone who needs it. July 21 - 23, 2023. © 2023 Pearlside Church Kaneohe. You may be. With inspiring messages, uplifting music, and a warm and welcoming community, you'll. The podcast can be accessed on our Pearlside App under Small Group Leaders Resources or through Spotify and Apple Podcasts. To best prepare our hearts and minds for the Sunday message, we recommend reading each passage prior to the indicated Sunday. No matter where you are in your journey, we invite you to discover your purpose. In our Lord Jesus Christ, God manifest in the flesh, His virgin birth, His sinless human life, His divine miracles, His vicarious and atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His ascension, His mediatorial work, and His Personal return in power and glory. June 23, 2019 | Kei Omo | KaneoheDecember 16, 2018 | Kei Omo | KaneoheMarch 25, 2018 | Russell Kimura | KaneoheApril 7, 2019 | Kei Omo | KaneoheJuly 12, 2020 | Kei Omo | KaneoheAugust 5, 2018 | Kei Omo | KaneoheKaneohe; PEARL HIGHLANDS. 375. May 3, 2019 | Kei Omo | KaneoheOctober 4, 2020 | Kei Omo | KaneoheLEADERSHIP GUIDE - MARCH 2022 For this month’s Leadership Group, we will discuss lessons from our last Small Group Leaders Summit. 5. You also have the option to share your request Publicly, Anonymously, or Don’t Share. We plan to send ourselves to share the gospel and the. 98-771 Oihana Place, Aiea, HI 96701. Kaneohe; Life Matters. The Registered Agent on file for this company is Kelly Zakimi and is located at 45-535 Kamooalii St, Kaneohe, HI 96744. We’re in the midst of revival and must disciple the harvest God brings us. November 7, 2021 | Kei Omo | KaneoheFebruary 14, 2021 | Kei Omo | KaneoheApr 30, 2021. Search for Pearlside Small Group Leaders Podcast. Along the way, students will discover the big picture of what God has been doing throughout redemptive history, and what it. Our GROWTH TRACK is the best place for you to get connected to our church! There are times when life is overwhelming, and hope can feel far away. Sundays: 6:00 pm. Launched in 1994, Pearlside is now one. The Cityside cycle will resume in May. Main Campus. The company's principal address is 45-535. Listen to THE Podcast Amid a busy summer, we must remain vigilant and consistent. Small Groups are sermon-based and the main way people are discipled. com. Easter Sunday Service | Pearlside Church Kaneohe. Kaneohe; Resources. The fifth phase is the replication phase. Kaneohe; The Big Picture of Suffering and Pain September 13, 2020 by Kei Omo. 520. Older. Sun: 9:30am. 5826, Email: [email protected]. There is no vaccination proof needed to attend. Cost: $20 per couple for the first 12 couples (payment is non-refundable)June 24, 2018 | Kei Omo | KaneoheJanuary 8, 2021 | Kei Omo | KaneoheChurch Office and Corporate Address 98-751 Kuahao Place, 2nd Floor Pearl City, HI 96782. January 12, 2020 | Kei Omo | Main Campus & KaneoheAugust 18, 2019 | Kei Omo | KaneoheMarch 3, 2019 | Kei Omo | KaneoheKaneohe; Program Kids. 8807. Welcome to Pearlside Church Kaneohe I'M NEW REQUEST PRAYER. In addition to working as a school social worker for the Hawaii Department of Education, Chanelle (her mother) has been overseeing and. February 17, 2019 | Kei Omo | KaneoheMay 7, 2017 | Kei Omo | KaneoheDecember 8, 2019 | Kei Omo | KaneoheDecember 24, 2017 | Kei Omo | KaneoheDecember 22, 2019 | Kei Omo | KaneoheJanuary 9, 2022 | Kei Omo | KaneoheDecember 29, 2019 | Kei Omo | KaneoheOctober 10, 2021 | Kei Omo | KaneoheFebruary 11, 2018 | Kei Omo | KaneoheFebruary 6, 2022 | Kei Omo | KaneoheOctober 8, 2017 | Kei Omo | KaneoheAugust 16, 2020 | Kei Omo | KaneoheChurch Office and Corporate Address 98-751 Kuahao Place, 2nd Floor Pearl City, HI 96782. OUR PROGRAM OUR MISSION. In March 2022, we were able to plant Pearlside Church Kaneohe on the east side of Oahu, led by. More. org Fax: (808) 484-9356 © 2017. Launched in 1994, Pearlside is now one church that meets in five locations. Pearlside. Apr 1, 2021. org Fax: (808) 484-9356October 11, 2020 | Kei Omo | KaneoheNovember 14, 2021 | Robbie Ching | KaneoheApril 14, 2019 | Kei Omo | KaneoheKaneohe; Creating More Small Group Pockets August 2, 2022 by Pearlside Team. Once your account is set up, you can give in 10 seconds – anytime, anywhere. The Church CoKaneohe; Resources. He is a huge advocate for youth ministry, and has also served as the past youth minister for all of Grace Bible Pearlside. A place for middle school and high school students to grow in faith through praise and worship, a quick sermon, and some life-processing in small groups. Give OnlineEternity. Small Groups: In a big church, spiritual growth takes place within smaller settings. org Fax: (808) 484-9356 © 2017. We use The Gospel Project for Students, a Christ-centered, chronological study that will take your youth on a journey through the storyline of Scripture, from Genesis to Revelation. Join us this weekend as we learn from his experience on how to have resilient faith and trust in God amid fierce opposition. College & Young Adults. October 22, 2017 | Kei Omo | KaneoheDecember 12, 2021 | Robbie Ching | KaneoheAugust 5, 2018 | Kei Omo | KaneoheFebruary 24, 2019 | Kei Omo | KaneoheFebruary 4, 2018 | Kei Omo | KaneoheJune 20, 2021 | Kei Omo | KaneoheFebruary 25, 2018 | Kei Omo | KaneoheApril 4, 2021 | Kei Omo | KaneoheGrowth Track – Starting this month, Growth Track will be on Saturdays 6:00pm, Sunday 9:15am and 6:00pm at Main Campus, and Sunday 9:45am at Kaneohe. Stages of Disciple Making - Stage 1: Come and See. We will then send you reimbursement instructions for the cost of your subscription. 45-035 Kaneohe Bay Dr,. December 26, 2021 | Kei Omo | KaneoheThe Great Commission November 21, 2021 by Kei Omo. Get Directions. The Church CoOur Every Nation family around the globe will be participating Seek Week, five days of fasting and prayer. March 24, 2019 | Kei Omo | KaneoheJuly 5, 2020 | Kei Omo | KaneoheJune 28, 2020 | Kei Omo | KaneoheJuly 4, 2021 | Robbie Ching | KaneoheKaneohe; KAPOLEI. March 1, 2020 | Kei Omo | Kaneohe & Main CampusFebruary 9, 2020 | Kei Omo | KaneoheFebruary 16, 2020 | Kei Omo | KaneoheNovember 29, 2020 | Robbie Ching | KaneoheDecember 24, 2020 | Kei Omo | KaneoheKaneohe; Sharing the Gospel October 2, 2020 by Pearlside Team. November 5, 2017 | Kei Omo | KaneoheAugust 8, 2021 | Kei Omo | KaneoheKaneohe; MAIN CAMPUS. Sunday. GBC has many campuses, one in Kaneohe, Regal Theatre, and main campus in Pearl City. 45-035 Kaneohe Bay Dr, Kaneohe, HI 96744, USA. We encourage you. Our goal is to lead and empower young people into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ through worship, teaching, and small groups. Offering. April 19, 2019 | Kei Omo | KaneoheJanuary 16, 2022 | Robbie Ching | KaneoheNovember 19, 2017 | Kei Omo | KaneoheKaneohe; Wait and Witness September 1, 2020 by Pearlside Team. Just as believers are to reproduce new believers, churches are to reproduce new churches. March 18, 2018 | Kei Omo | KaneoheKaneohe; Pearlside Youth. Nursery (0-4 y/o): Available at all July Services (9:00 AM)We would like to show you a description here but the site won’t allow us. Prayer is powerful and shifts our perspective toward God, who stands ready to. 45-035 Kaneohe Bay Dr Honolulu HI 96744 (808) 484-0061. Pearlside is committed to sending people to the nations of the Earth in uncompromising obedience to the Great Commission to serve in both short and long-term missions. Kaneohe; Church Online. Grace Bible Church Pearlside is an amazing church! From an elementary school, to a community college, this church has traveled far and near to having their finally own church building in Pearl City. Pearlside KIDS Each weekend, preschool through 5th. 45-035 Kaneohe Bay Dr, Kaneohe, HI 96744, USA. Church Office and Corporate Address 98-751 Kuahao Place, 2nd Floor Pearl City, HI 96782. Sundays 7:30 am, 9:15 am, & 11:15 am. Photos. Phone: (808) 484-0061 Email: [email protected]. Pearlside KIDS Each weekend, preschool through 5th graders, learn the truth about who God is and who they are because of Him through age-specific lessons,. September 13, 2020. © 2023 Pearlside Church Kaneohe. Leadership Group Guide - January 2023. BELONG: A place where you can meet Jesus in a group where you are welcomed and accepted. You Are Welcome Here. OUR MISSION For each of us to know God, follow God, discover our purpose, and make a difference by helping others do the same. Pearlside Youth will be hosting gatherings on Fridays at 7:00 pm (Middle School) and Sundays at 9:15 am and 6:00 pm (High School). Older. August 15, 2021 | Kei Omo | KaneoheDecember 27, 2020 | Kei Omo | KaneoheFebruary 27, 2022 | Kei Omo | KaneoheApril 23, 2017 | Kei Omo | KaneoheJuly 19, 2020 | Kei Omo | KaneoheApril 1, 2018 | Kei Omo | KaneoheJanuary 24, 2021 | Kei Omo | KaneoheDiscovering Your Purpose September 23, 2018 by Kei Omo. We align with Every Nation's foundational values, which articulate for us the good deposit we as a ministry must guard together. Pearlside Youth. Stages of Disciple Making - Stage 2: Come and Follow Me. Get Directions. Waipahu Boxing Club, 94-230 Paiwa St. November 21, 2021 | Kei Omo | KaneoheChrist Our Hope November 7, 2021 by Kei Omo. Hours. Billy Lile Main Campus Congregational Pastor. Following Easter Sunday Service, join us for a time of fellowship! We will be providing shave ice & coffee. Our goal is to empower students for LIFE - Leadership, Integrity, Faith, and Excellence on their campuses and spheres of influence. “Go and Make Disciples” Phase: Matthew 28:18–20; John 20:21; Mark 16:15–16. Kaneohe; Choose Congregation. Discipleship Track – Our next cycle start on Wednesday, May 2 and Thursday, May 3. We will be doing registration and check-in at service. Phone: (808) 484-0061 Email: [email protected] 17, 2017 | Kei Omo | KaneoheJune 16, 2019 | Parris Hayashi | KaneoheDecember 13, 2020 | Kei Omo | KaneoheHere are some important updates that you need to know regarding Pearlside Kids: Pre-registration for KIDS Church is no longer necessary. Pearlside Church, Aiea, Hawaii. Baptism declares to the world you’ve trusted Jesus, joined God’s family in the church, and made a commitment to follow Jesus with all your heart, mind and soul. Online. Sunday. We believe that if we change the campus, we can change the world! College and Young Adult Service Time. June 17, 2018 | Kei Omo | KaneoheFebruary 7, 2021 | Robbie Ching | KaneoheMay 30, 2021 | Kei Omo | KaneoheSeptember 13, 2020 | Kei Omo | Kaneohe . Phone: (808) 484-0061 Email: [email protected]. download pdf previous guides Newer. At Pearlside Church Kaneohe, we define Small Groups as life-changing communities where you can belong, believe, and become. LEADERSHIP GUIDE - OCTOBER 2020. [email protected] Through the Storyline of Scripture. We have discipleship classes that will help you grow in your faith. 808-673-6950. We have groups for men, women, and couples. At Pearlside, our heart is to always show kids the joy of the Lord as we partner with parents to. sermon notes and Discussion. Giving. Location: Pearlside Main Campus - the Hub. Age Kids. Our commitment to pour into the next generation begins by us partnering with families to teach children the truth about God in ways that are fun, safe, and engaging. Pearlside Church is determined to help train and develop you to make disciples. Pearlside Kids is a place that children look forward to coming to—where they know that they will have a fun time while learning about Jesus. download pdf previous guides Newer. Welcome to Pearlside Church Online! No matter where you are in the world, we’re so glad you can join us. Children can be. Service Information. December 24, 2021 | Kei Omo | KaneoheJanuary 5, 2020 | Kei Omo | KaneoheSeptember 20, 2020 | Kei Omo | KaneoheApril 23, 2017 | Russell Kimura | KaneoheFor the Book of Luke Reading Plan, please visit: 26, 2017 | Kei Omo | KaneoheHawaii Training Center, Home of Evolution Boxing Club, 94-547 Ukee St Suite 209, Waipio-Gentry, Waipahu, HI, 96797-4450, Ph: 808. KIDS Church is available at all of our services. In addition, we shared how we cNorth American Regional Director. If you would like to give,. July 1, 2018 | Russell Kimura | KaneoheAugust 9, 2020 | Kei Omo | KaneoheMarch 14, 2021 | Kei Omo | KaneoheKaneohe “Today’s Fresh Move of God” & “Relational Discipleship: Why Small Groups?” April 1, 2023 by Pearlside Team. Message notes and discussion guides can be accessed through the Pearlside App. 91-559 Maunakapu Street, Ewa Beach, HI 96706. Give OnlineThis Bible Reading Plan will align with the Sermon Series, The Gospel According to Luke: To Seek and To Save. org Fax: (808) 484-9356 © 2017. Mar 1, 2021. Pearlside Church will be holding the School of Empowerment from July 10-14. During the month of July, we will be hosting only one service @ 9am every Sunday. In-Person. Our faith is not designed to be static, rather God desires all believers to grow in their faith. Both classes will be held at Main Campus. 9:00 AM. LEADERSHIP RESOURCES. Claim this business (808) 484-0061. September 6, 2020 | Kei Omo | KaneoheNovember 10, 2019 | Kei Omo | KaneoheOctober 15, 2017 | Kei Omo | KaneoheJanuary 23, 2022 | Robbie Ching | KaneoheOctober 1, 2017 | Kei Omo | KaneoheFebruary 3, 2019 | Kei Omo | KaneoheJune 18, 2017 | Kei Omo | KaneoheSeptember 8, 2019 | Kei Omo | KaneoheOctober 21, 2018 | Kei Omo | KaneoheKaneohe; In-person services. Welcome Students! Pearlside Youth is our high school and middle school ministry. Leadership Group Guide - April 2023. Empowering young adults into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ through worship, teaching, and small groups. DISCIPLESHIP RESOURCES . We celebrated our vision and mission, highlighted by the commissioning of Pearlside Church Kaneohe, led by Pastor Kei and Chanelle Omo. As a church, we are committed to planting new churches locally, nationally, and globally. YWCA Kokokahi 45-035 Kaneohe Bay Dr Kaneohe, HI 96744. Phone: (808) 484-0061 Email: [email protected]. For this month’s Leadership Group, we will discuss lessons from our last Small Group Leaders Summit. In addition, we shared how we can move our groups forward in faith into this season of harvest. Website. We want to help you become the person God made you to be. In the Resurrection of both the saved and the lost; they that are saved unto the resurrection of life, they that are lost unto the resurrection of damnation.