Massage into hair and scalp for 3-5 minutes. A small sample of hair is collected for the hair drug test. Macujo Method. Just as the previous method, this technique has to be complemented by detox shampoo. A seven-step hair cleaning procedure designed to pass a hair test, the Macujo method works by supposedly opening up the outer layer of your hair (cuticle) to access the inner hair layer called the cortex and clean. Oral Cube – 10 Panel Saliva Drug Test Screening Kit. Next, soak your hair with a salicylic acid acne treatment. Important do not use your old brush, comb, or pick. The tester will then sign a form giving the company rights to test the hair and report results. This method places a lot of strain on your hair but will be completely effective in changing the chemical state of your hair so as to remove any traces of foreign substances deep within the cuticle. This user passed a hair test using the Macujo method and a method she refers to as “Mike’s”. This user failed his test. The Macujo Method and Jerry G Method are proven processes in removing detectable substances in your hair. Macujo Method Procedure: Using warm water, get your hair damp. Passing a Hair Drug Test Using the Macujo Method By soana | 29. Hope this helpsThis is an important factor to consider when trying to get your hair clean for a drug test. The Macujo method is a two-step process requiring 4 ingredients. Hey Ents, I just wanted to give you a short but concise description of my experience using the Macujo method. The Hair Follicle Toxin Removal Kit comes with: Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo ; Ultra Clean Shampoo With Purifying Treatment. 5-8 days. Massage this into hair for 5-7 minutes, and then rinse it out and dry hair with a towel. Macujo method steps: First off, refrain from any form of weed or drug use. If you have any other drugs in your hair or have high levels of marijuana in your hair and you can’t risk failing your hair test you must use Mike’s Macujo Method. Mon-Thurs GET TOMORROW* Follow Us: Toggle navigation. The Macujo Method: Pass a Hair Drug Test in 24 hours (1 day) This method is a popular one among the online drug detox community, but does it actually work? While, to the best of our knowledge, there aren’t any. This you have to use on the day of the test. The Macujo method and the Macujo method are two different names for the same thing. Because Mikes Macujo method is designed to work against all types of drugs and work no matter how heavily drugs were used, it is a more widely used method in the industry. I need to be able to pass it, money is not a problem for whatever solution it takes. The Jerry G method is an effective solution to get rid of drug residues from the hair, and it has a high success rate. It’s worth noting that the original method is only used for getting rid of traces of THC. Overview – How Can ‘Macujo Method Help You? 1. One may come across many ways of cleaning the hair and removing the Crack(cocaine) from the hair. How to Do the Macujo Method. A urine test can only test for a drug taken just three days back. Dry your hair off using a clean towel. 00. Posted by 10 days ago. The method works since it frees up your hair’s cuticles and cortex before exposing it to acid, which removes any traces of THC. According to some surveys, macujo method is the only way that you can count on because of few factors like existence and how effective at the hair drug test. This method has a 98% success rate and is effective for removing all drugs and alcohol from the hair, including cocaine, opiates, and more. Some vitamins aid in the release of histamines that make the cells to widen hence releasing the drug fragments in the blood. Add to cart. In tandem with Ultra Clean: Shampoo with Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo(shower multiple times a day if you are pressed for time) every day before the test, and use Ultra. I think you’re in the clear to be completely honest. So, how can you beat a hair follicle drug test in 24 hours, given such a long detection time? A reliable way to beat this drug test is by using the Macujo method. Because the hair closest to the scalp is tested during a hair follicle drug test, you need to open up the dreads at the root so they can do the test. After a decent amount of research, this is what I did to my hair to get it below this level. Honestly I don’t think the macujo method or the ultra clean helped me pass, it just severally damaged my hair and scalp. 30 mins between each step. You should start using the Macujo method to detoxify as soon as you know you’ll be undergoing a hair drug test shortly. Cart . The Macujo Method may help you pass a hair drug test. About me: I have pretty short hair - clipper short on the sides, about 3 inches on top. Rub vinegar into your scalp and rub down throughout the scalp, hair that is the costs to the scalp is tests, so concentrate on rubbing the roots of your hair. Nexxus Aloe Rid shampoo treatement used with Mikes macujo method will permanently lower your toxin levels from you hair before a hair drug test. ** Watch my step-by-step directions on How to pass a hair follicle drug test with Mike's macujo method. Towel, style or blow dry hair as usual. Call 800-727-7123 12PM - 7PM WEEKDAYS Order By 4:30PM EST. Hair follicle drug testing is a method loved by drug testers and hated by drug users. #1. Embarrassed_Ad_5375 • 2 yr. 8. Towel dry your hair in between each step. - success rate is better than 99. Macujo is a hair follicle drug-testing shampoo, also known as Macujo Aloe Rid Shampoo. I got them to move the test to monday morning. Step by Step instructions for Mikes Cocaine Method. I also had my hair bleached today using thirty volume bleach for 15 minutes. It’s unclear if he feels the actual product doesn’t work or that he got a fake product. Spent roughly 200$ Tuesday Aug 10: received all the products in the mail by the afternoon. Mikes Macujo Method vs Macujo Method. It has about a 90% success rate. Once thoroughly mixed, place a shower cap over your head and hair. Macujo Method Instructions: Why You Need Old-Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo. 03. It's that pink solution in the bottle. We provide the Only effective Macujo Aloe Rid Shampoo through Macujo. The Macujo Method Review. I am a heavy user of high concentration vape cartridges. I've used it several (four) times and passed every hair test. The Macujo method works because of the combination of ingredients it uses to get your hair clean for a hair follicle drug test. The Macujo Method exposes your scalp and hair cuticles to acidic materials to ensure that all traces of THC and narcotic byproducts are removed from that area. Macujo works as long as you have the right products with you, and follow the macujo instructions. Day 2: Start macujo: 30min vinegar soak, followed by 30min with added 2% salicylic acid face wash (w/viegar still in hair). 00pm. Zydot Ultra Clean. 22 (Sunday) called salon and told scheduler I needed to bleach and re-dye because of a drug test. Users claim that using this procedure, they were able to test negative for a hair drug test. Cart . Read more. com. Right Diet. 00. Aloe Toxin Rid (Old Style) Treatment method still remains one the most effective hair cleansing methods for a hair drug test on the market. The chances of you passing a hair drug test after performing this procedure are quite high. 5 inches per month. . Method used to cleanse hair: Macujo Aloe rid, Mikes Macujo Method . Day 8: the day of my test I didn’t do the method so my hair would smell normal. Macujo method steps with. The scientific reason behind the method is that drug metabolites travel to and are deposited in the hair follicles. 1. Addiction Medicine 51 years experience. We sell our products all around the world and shipped to your doorsteps. After testing and research with users of cocaine, it was found that Mike’s Macujo Method steps 1-5 are a sufficient way to remove this specific hard drug to pass a hair test. Macujo also may include Macujo Aloe Rid Shampoo, which is an anti-drug shampoo for hair follicles. Macujo Method Instructions: The Do’s and Don’ts. The standard method of sampling 1. . Step-7: Finally, wash off your hair using a mixture of tide detergent and warm water to wash all the toxins and. Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo - Our #1 Recommended Hair Detox Shampoo. The hair cleaning procedure to pass a hair drug test, was invented by one of the smartest marijuana. Marijuana Detection Time Chart. Mon-Thurs GET TOMORROW* Follow Us: Toggle navigation. Wash several times before your test or use a method like the Macujo method with Zydot Ultra Clean. This varies on the drugs used and a hair sample that could verify if the drug occurred. If you have any other drugs in your hair or have high levels of marijuana in your hair and you can’t risk failing your hair test you must use Mike’s Macujo Method. 00 out of 5. The texture is on the fine side, and a medium/light brown color naturally. So, keep your nails cut tight to the skin. The more times you get the process done, the greater will be chances of passing the test. Massage for 5 to 7. Stop Smoking! For any of these detox methods to work, you have to stop smoking as soon as possible before your drug test. I have a hair drug test next week and have some questions. But the bottom line is hair follicle drug testing is done in serious circumstances, and the only way to remove it to get through those serious circumstances is the Macujo method. 1 time only. So yes, you can beat a hair follicle drug test using the Macujo Method. Here are the steps you need to use the Macujo method to pass hair follicle drug test; Gather the necessary items. Mon-Thurs GET TOMORROW*Rated 5. Think of it as a hair cuticle detox. A Verified Doctor answered. Posted by u/professguy123 - 3 votes and 1 commentOther natural ingredients like lemon juice, vinegar, salicylic acid, baking soda, sea salt, aloe vera gel, apple cider vinegar, and charcoal can help to remove traces of drugs from the hair. Jerry G (G man) Method: Baking soda paste. Using Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo in these methods can increase your chances of passing the hair follicles drug. Mike’s Macujo Method has a 98% success rate! Since 1998, Mike has been a leader in drug testing industry, He has worked with 1000’s of customers over the past 20 years to create a product or method that will help customers remove all toxins from there hair to pass a hair follicle drug test. The Macujo Method is considered one of the most effective ways to perform a hair detox. Prepare the following: warm water, apple cider vinegar, Clean and Clear or Neutrogena wash, Old Style Aloe Rid Shampoo (Aloe Toxin Rid), any laundry detergent soap like. I’ve read all the posts about chemical straighteners, the Macujo method and vinegars and bases, and so much more. Nexxus Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid. Cover entire head by spraying Clean & Clear Astringent on it, saturating the hair. Washed 3 times with toxin rid old style then followed the directions of the zydot ultra clean packets. Have the follicle test tomorrow? But is it possible to pass the cocaine Hair test in. 11-18 days. You will need the following materials: Old-style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo (from test clear)The macujo method requires at least 3-5 days to achieve the desired goals, if you rush to treat your hair repeatedly in a short period of time it will not reach the target and will cause severe damage to your hair. Had a Hair Drug Test today, April 12th. Negative Nexxus Aloe Rid Shampoo Reviews. If you need to take a hair test soon, you must give it a try. 2021 0 Comment Short Introduction for Article: Are you a drug user scheduled for a hair drug. It uses a detox shampoo for hair and a special shampoo to cleanse the scalp. 2. Jerry G is a widely used method and is more popular than The Macujo Method as it can produce faster results. Use The Macujo Method To Pass Your Hair Test Today. From $ 40. Therefore, toxins such as THC-COOH can be hidden from a hair test. Description. Wash out with tide. 2. With this method, you must use Macujo aloe rid shampoo. Step-6: Wash your hair with aloe toxin rid shampoo and warm water. It is extremely accurate, providing a drug history for up to 90 days, and is proven to be more sensitive than Urine and Saliva testing. Next you need to fill a large bowl approximately ⅓ of the way with baking soda. During the process, three layers of your hair shaft are opened up beginning with the cuticle, allowing stored THC particles to escape. Choose the Macujo method with a good success rate. Zydot Ultra Clean Shampoo - Most Affordable Detox Shampoo. Lather your hair thoroughly with one cup of liquid detergent. I passed a pre-employment hair test using Mike's Macujo Method. Hi, Been off weed for about 6 weeks. What is the Macujo Method? There are quite a few hair detox options available, but the Macujo Method is one of the most comprehensive and potent. Drug metabolites could last in your hair follicles for up to 3 months. Method Used: Mikes Macujo Method, Macujo Aloe Rid shampoo. Ultra Pure Synthetic Urine Kit. This method requires several ingredients and you need to do the cleansing routine a minimum of 6 times before the test. Hair grows about 0. The hair will be placed in a foil that is folded and put into an envelope and sealed. Supreme Klean Saliva Detox Mouthwash. There isn't really any science behind the macujo steps, and I just tried multiple methods. You must use the original Nexxus and Macujo Aloe rid shampoos with mike’s Macujo Method to ensure you have permanently gotten rid of any drugs in your hair. Guaranteed to work with Mike’s Macujo Method; Helps heavy users pass tests; Testimonials: This shampoo is the best because it helps even very heavy drug users beat hair follicle drug tests. The Jerry G Method (A + rated): using bleach to pass a hair follicle test. Here’s a method considered to be among the most successful ways of passing a hair drug test – the Macujo method. Next time you have a hair drug test you may want to consider the Maccujo Method. ( this macujo method opens your hair cuticles) 3. It Is The Same Formulation Used In The Original Old Formula Nexxus Aloe Rid Which Has Propylene Glycol With Original Bar Code (6 05592 16035 6). So, I began the Macujo Method and did it 5 times over the course of 3 days (2x, 2x, 1x the day of the test). You can search on the internet for Macujo method reviews. You need to perform it three to seven times before your actual drug test. A hair follicle detects drug toxins in the hair upto 90 days, so do your math on when you quited puffing. Can You Use the Macujo Method to Pass a Hair Drug Test? Yes, you can. Furthermore, it would help if you took precautions by wearing goggles and rubber gloves to avoid acid burning your hands. HairConfirm® screens for the five most popular drug classes and is. For the Mike’s Macujo method, there is a nine step cleaning process to be. Varies: The hair testing numbers are about right, with hair growing about 1/2 inch per month, and the average length of hair tested being 1 1/2 inches, which. Many good reviews and feedback on numerous blogs confirm that Jerry G Method helps to pass a hair drug tests. The other best practice is to use a hair relaxer in your hair. Reviews (66) DIRECTIONS FOR NEXXUS ALOE RID SHAMPOO Nexxus Aloe Rid is to be used with Mikes Macujo Method every time that you use the nexxus aloe rid with mikes macujo method you will permanently lower your toxin levels from you hair. I passed with flying colors using certo method. cannabis can stay in your urine anytime from 5 - 95 days. Wash the tide out with Dawn blue dish soap. The Macujo method is quite detailed, and I have done a full review of the whole method a while back that you can read. This approach has several potentially dangerous elements. Yes, it can. 00. Macujo Aloe Rid Was Made By A Group Of Experienced Chemist. I cut my hair as short as I could and started 3 days prior to the day I was going to take the test with the reverse macujo method. But in the mikes macujo method you have to make use of the original Nexxus Aloe Rid Shampoo. The sample is kept in a foil, and the sample is then sent for testing. Repeat steps 1-4. Days 6 and 7: did one mikes macujo method per day using both vinegars again(my head couldn’t handle 2). The Macujo Method. Step 3 –. Apply the vinegar into your hair. Macujo Aloe Rid Detox Shampoo is to be used with Mike’s Macujo Method. Drug metabolites are able to remain intact in your hair for very long periods of time. When repeating the test, you can add some tide detergent to increase the chances of passing the test. 1 time only. A Hair Confirming Test Kit ($80-90) Ultra Clean by Zydot (~$35) Macujo method supplies (~$50) They say you need to buy the expensive shampoo because it’s the only one that is guaranteed to work, and EVEN WITH that shampoo, people still recommend that you do the Macujo method, so buckle up. The macujo method is a popular detox method that has been used for over 20 years to pass hair drug tests.