The Doctor and Chief Conn Officer stood in the Doctor's office, Tom exhausted from assisting with the extremely long labour. Paris - Complete. Guaranteed happy ending. Tom," she ordered, "Fix it. She could be a cold hearted Starfleet officer, a threatening adversary, even a comforting shelter during an emotional storm if the moment called for it. About Last Night by Joan Powers reviews. " Janeway said unhappily getting up on unsteady feet. An Introduction to The Secret Logs of Mistress Janeway For those unfamiliar with Star Trek: Voyager, this introduction explains the relevant parts of the series for the novice reader. "I'll be with you shortly, Gretchen. She was most noted for commanding the starship USS Voyager during its journey through the Delta Quadrant. " "Yes, here you are. I am therefore going. Chapter 1. Can HB confront her past and find enough trust to love and form friendships? Rating may change. To avoid a wall of tags, any. This five part story follows Ensign Tara Aisling Caddel a nurse aboard the Federation starship USS Voyager as she discovers a newfound affection blossoming for Captain Janeway amidst all the trials and tribulations in the Delta Quadrant. A flight of fancy into the fantasy of past and future with Janeway and Chakotay. Kathryn and Chakotay have an unexpected outcome to deal with. Author is once again projecting onto B'Elanna Torres. CHAPTER 1. "Come. The truth is that she’d hand her very soul over to the Borg and be damned for it, if it would get her people out of harm’s way. Kathryn had disappeared not long after shift started marooning herself. "The Little Sidewalk Cafe In Buenos Aires". . By far the best story I've read on fan fiction so far. 2, 2300 hrs" is a log entry that gives Janeway's point of view. Walking further into the room she spotted her captain's lower half sticking out from beneath the replicator. Not to suggest that you always don't look wonderful. Follow . Rated: Fiction K - English - Chakotay, K. Two years after the events of Threshold, Kathryn Janeway and Tom Paris think that they've put that embarrassing incident behind them. Chapter 3: Phoebe Janeway writes in her diary about her sister’s homecoming and entry into the admiralty. "Please sit back down until she arrives," said the Doctor as he tapped his combadge to alert the Captain. Now, with the ship crippled, suffering from heavy attack, Janeway discovers how many consequences will affect her and her crew. It is the year 2269: Lieutenant Teresa Juárez, the brilliant and kind-hearted head of the Enterprise’s exobiology department, is secretly deeply in love with Spock (the Star Trek Continues version of the character, wonderfully played by Todd Haberkorn). Moments later Captain Janeway herself appeared, looking alive, and young, and rather suspicious. That is the last time I try one of Neelix's stews, trail bars from now on. Written in 2000. A Fable so to speak. Words: 1,769. This contains fanfic about the complex relationship between our intrepid captain and her favorite Vulcan. COMPLETE. Janeway contemplates her relationship with her first officer. - deverax - Mar-21-2010. The Equinox. New England - On Route to Earth Space Dock - 411 I. 45,779 - Reviews: 51 - Favs: 100 - Follows: 17 - Updated: 4/22/2008 - Published: 6/27/2007 - K. Chakotay suggests B’Elanna Torres for the open Chief Engineer role, which Janeway balks at due to Torres’ temper. Remember what they say about the bestlaid plans? StarTrek: Voyager - Rated: K -. " says Janeway. Nothing was fine. The series follows the trials and tribulations of the relationship between Janeway and Seven which begins somewhere near the end of the first year Seven came on the ship (season four on the show) and carries. Janeway - Complete. StarTrek: Voyager - Rated: T - English - Friendship - Chapters: 4 - Words: 6,372 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 12 - Follows: 3 - Published: 8/25/2013 - T. An Alternative Universe story. Part 2 of Temporal love. The title "I Thought You Knew" suggests misinterpretation, an. Janeway had lost most of her faith in Starfleet over the past months. " "Lead the way, Ensign. Harry picked himself of the deck and moved over to offer assistance to Seven with re routing phasers through the deflector array. They were playing Velocity and the game had been intense. Three hours into the afternoon shift, Captain Kathryn Janeway and her First Officer marched along Voyager's corridors on their way to the mess hall, discussing crew evaluations all the while. sevenofnine startrekvoyager startrek tomparis janeway chakotay voyager fanfiction. StarTrek: Voyager - Rated: M - English - Romance/Sci-Fi - Chapters: 17 - Words: 43,361 - Reviews: 57 - Favs: 122 - Follows: 34 - Published: 11/22/2013 - K. The farmer is determined to save her life and nurse her back to health, no matter what. 2 others in series to follow). "Captain!" The Talaxian's voice startled Janeway and she stood up, jumping slightly. Consequences of Resolutions by irishchic799 reviews. All. Kathryn Janeway developed feelings for a man who she grew to admire, leading to a night that should never have occurred. Captain Kathryn Janeway takes her most trusted crewmember, Seven of Nine, on an away mission. Rough Sex. G. Well, there's no hurry for me to go back to my quarters. Following Kathryn Janeway and Chakotay throughout 160 episodes (double features count as one) and their developing relationship. " The Admiral rolled her eyes at the young man and followed him with some. Dom Chakotay (Star Trek) Alpha Chakotay (Star Trek) Kathryn made yet another decision on behalf of the crew and a certain new Captain is not happy. net has about 10k stories, allows you to filter down by main characters, genre, Adult content or not etc. The Paris' son and Chakotay's daughter grow up on Voyager,together. "Chakotay, come here son," Gretchen said as Chakotay walked into a better view. poor chakotay. "Thanks, Chakotay. StarTrek: Voyager - Rated: M - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 1 - Words: 17,926 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 42 - Follows: 8. "I can't believe we made it home," Chakotay said, "If it weren't for Admiral Janeway's new technology, we'd still be trapped in the delta quadrant. 1K 22. I think its because they're canon and fic is for wish fulfillment for me. Kathryn Janeway. Dana is fairly short, with curly blond hair and blue eyes. Once rescued she must face the. One action can send ripples through universes, tearing apart the space-time continuum. Janeway and her warrant officers in training go through the interspatial rift to find Chakotay, reuniting with old friends along the way. StarTrek: Voyager - Rated: M - English -. Janeway, Seven of Nine - Complete. Chakotay's story about the scorpion, and how they were about to make a fatal mistake trying to establish an alliance with the Borg did more to affect Janeway than in canon. Disclaimer: I don't own them, but the twisted story is mine. Sad Ending. Janeway's disappointment over the micro-wormhole to the past brings her and Chakotay a bit closer. S. Time On My Hands 11 by Laura W reviews. also another pattern :). "Lt. Since she'd been notified about her pregnancy, Janeway had been immersed in the disastrous father/son relationship between Q and Q2, and she had agonized with the young omnipotent over the uneven and uninspired parenting he was receiving. "You seem perplexed?" a voice murmured. . The "Sustenance" Couplet: Sustenance-- VOY J/7 NC-17 (Drama). Janeway appoints Chakotay as her second-in-command to bridge hostilities, with both in agreement to ease tension, they need to integrate the crews more. Janeway, Seven of Nine - CompleteHere's a selection of some of the most interesting Janeway/Chakotay focused fanfics (in our humble opinion) with a quality storyline - some plots we've seen before (but are well done), and some which are quite unique. The Science of Attraction by Sammy_Lavigne. The J/7 Forum. This year's drabble in the Happy birthday, Captain Janeway series. Celine Janeway is a fanfiction author that has written 7 stories for StarTrek: Voyager, X-Files, and Once Upon a Time. Words: 1723. hopefully they read like episodes but who knows. Complete. It's not long before the sparks start to fly. A follow to "The Aid Society. Naturally, nothing goes as planned, and the. Janeway and Seven message board where we all hang out! Delta Blues. For a brief moment this internal conflict threatened to tear her apart. ", Chakotay said, as he got up to exit the room. Fandom: Star Trek Voyager. The Bridge was quiet, it was a boring day. Chakotay and Janeway have had an open relationship for some time. "May I say you look beautiful this morning. Janeway. Janeway, Tuvok - Complete. To answer it, they must test out B'Elanna's groundbreaking but risky research, and in so doing, come to terms with the changes that have affected them since their return. Providence reviews. She signaled for entry. L. Until Q shows up and has a solution:a wormhole leading to the 20th. One day, a young woman practically falls from the sky and is heavily injured. 24th centuary relationships Chapter 2: Part 2, a startrek: voyager fanfic | FanFiction. "Janeway, too sick bay. As Chakotay left the room, Janeway felt as if a huge load and burden had finally been lifted off her shoulder. Prison walls can't stop true love. For some reason I dont read B'elanna and Tom fic much. Several hours later, Kathryn Janeway and Chakotay were holding a child each. Q (Star Trek) Admiral Janeway may seem silent in this short episodic seeming story is explained as her failing condition and she is close to death. Janeway, Seven of Nine -. Walking around the desk, Kathryn sat down in her chair. AU title: All is Fair. Janeway contemplates her relationship with her first officer. Just a J7 fanfic. - 888 - - Holodeck 1 - U. Seven heard a groan and kneeled on the floor, pulling the figure into her lap. The series. He even saved Chakotay's life although the. 1. Alone on the holodeck, running a secret program, Kathryn Janeway becomes trapped. It also bashes Chakotay just. It's a bumpy road ahead but both will learn that sometimes fresh blood really can quell the masses. 9,566 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 42 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 1/4/2021 - Published: 12/6/2010 - K. The Science of Attraction by Sammy_Lavigne. "Mommy," she wined as Gretchen Janeway chuckled softly. Another "first-encounter" story. Kathryn Janeway. She continues reflecting on her life, her love life or lack of it. A Captain's Wish. Faced with the consequences of their actions two. Captain Kathryn Janeway98 is a fanfiction author that has written 2 stories for StarTrek: Voyager, and NCIS. MistressJaneway is an avid fanfiction reader and an active particpant in the world of fandom. Captain Janeway had all but forced her to lead this away mission. STANDARD DISCLAIMER: The characters from Star Trek Voyager belong to Paramount/Viacom and whoever else has the legal documentation to back up their claim. Complete Work. (Written for the Merry Month of Cohen 2023 collection, A Bunch of Lonesome Heroes. She remained standing just inside the door. StarTrek: Voyager - Rated: T. Don't hate if you don't like. Harry was proven right, on the Ocampan home world, when Tom saved him and B'Elanna in the cave. Janeway/Seven is the main femslash pairing of the Star Trek: Voyager fandom. Relaxing on the artificial shores of an alien tropical beach, Harry mused on the current situation. Raffi straightened up when she got to the closed door of the conference room. Their relationship is one of mentor and student but also of equals because Seven of Nine is the only one who exists to some degree outside the chain of command and can meet Janeway on her own terms. She also reveals her personal doubts, her wants and needs as a woman sans the pips. Kathryn Janeway was sitting on the bridge she had been on duty almost all day. Chakotay is faced with an impossible decision. A J7 gay (lesbian) fan fiction, they gave me really gay vibes and I. Chapter One: Harry is confronted by Seven while still struggling with the alien induced dreams he had about her. The two women walked on over to Holodeck two, and as soon as they entered, Seven could feel how tired she truly was. Meanwhile, Chakotay makes a daring escape plan of his own, working with an unexpected ally to liberate his crew and find a way home. A post-Endgame fanfic. Femslash-Universe is a fanfiction author that has written 5 stories for Law and Order: SVU, Once Upon a Time,. English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 19 - Followers: 20 - Since: 10-22-08 - Founder: Julia and Tania. I always thought these two had real gay vibes and really shipped them so yeah. Compilation of Gun Brook Adventcalendar fanfiction story (Janeway/Seven) from 2006. Janeway is invited to the wedding of Commander Riker. Chapters: 1 - Words: 6,355 - Reviews: 19 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 1 - Published: 1/1/2013 - Chakotay, K. Words: 17,757. A man - or was he? - in a gold Starfleet uniform extended his hand. Tags: VOY season 2 episode 2. Janeway woke up the next morning with a killer head ache and very sore arms. Includes Jim Wrights in depth and witty reviews of all episodes. The stories I write focus on Janeway and Chakotay, but often feature life around the ship and therefore other characters. She has one place where she can relax, and does so. A missing scene from "Endgame" and a companion piece to. The Captain actually expected them to spend the entire day on the planet. Equilibrium by Mizvoy reviews. "Oh Katie, you're sick," she said sympathetically. Janeway - Complete. 1. Janeway shows the former Borg what it means to be human and. Bravo!!!!! - Anonymous - Mar-14-2010 I like this book. He'd gotten her pregnant.