03:00 pm. The tide is currently falling in San Luis Pass. Next low tide is 2:51 pm. 6 reviews Closed Now. 5 ft and maximum tide of 1. 1m was at 5:42am. com - Login/Join. Sun, 23rd Mon, 24th Tue, 25th Wed, 26th Thu, 27th Fri, 28th Sat, 29th; High 12:17am. Sunday 23 July 2023, 4:59AM CDT (GMT -0500). Click to view real-time water level and meteorological data. Sargent (TCOON) Tide Times for Saturday June 17, 2023. TIDE TABLE ALLIGATOR POINT (WEST BAY) JULY, 2023 . Tide chart and monthly tide tables. 64ft was at 8:04am and the lowest tide of 1. Tides/Water Levels Water Levels; NOAA. As you can see on the tide chart, the highest tide of 1. Very warm air temperatures (max 88°F on Sat morning, min 82°F on Fri night). The predicted tide times today on Sunday 23 July 2023 for Houston are: first high tide at 00:20am, first low tide at 7:18am, second high tide at 2. Freeport Harbor, Brazoria County's water and sea temperatures for today, this week, this month and this yearStation: 8772447, Freeport, TX Status: Accepted (Apr 13 2020) Units: Feet Control Station: 8771450 Galveston Pier 21, TXFreeport, DOW Barge Canal detailed sea conditions for the next 2 days in 3 hourly intervals. 66 ft. The predicted tide times today on Saturday 22 July 2023 for Port Aransas are: first low tide at 00:15am, first high tide at 8:16am,. Today's sea temperature in USCG Freeport, Texas is 86 °F ( Statistics for 23 Jul 1981-2005 – mean: 84 max: 86 min: 83 ° F )Tide tables and solunar charts for Port Arthur (tcoon): high tides and low tides, surf reports, sun and moon rising and setting times, lunar phase, fish activity and weather conditions in Port Arthur (tcoon). depth (ft) To depth map. Marine Forecast: High Island to Freeport, TX. Green and yellow areas indicate the best fishing times (major and minor). Weather . Next LOW TIDE in Freeport is at 2:56PM. Wednesday, July 19, 2023 1:14 AM: The tide is currently falling at Christmas Bay with a current estimated height of 0. As you can see on the tide chart, the highest tide of 1. Swell . Shrimp imports threaten U. The predicted tide times today on Thursday 20 July 2023 for Christmas Bay are: first low tide at 2:35am, first high tide at 1:25pm,. 2 miles from Surfside Jetty) Next high tide in San Luis Pass, Texas is at 9:03 AM, which is in 8 hr 44 min 45 s from now. Site navigation. The tide is currently rising in Freeport. About. 94 ftSunday 25 June 2023, 9:51AM CDT (GMT -0500). The tide is falling. The next high Tide will be at 01:47 pm with a predicted level of 1. Tides . Next HIGH TIDE in Freeport is at 9:26PM. 81 ft with a minimum tide of -0. Tides by country; Pages navigation. The last tide was High at 5:01 AM and the next tide is a Low of -0. 7/13/2023: The tide now in South Padre Island, TX is falling. 1 ° C. Captains Table. Sunset today is 8:25 PM. n/a. The attached table provides a list of diseases that can result from contact with water contaminated with anthropogenically introduced or naturally occurring bacterial, viral, and. TIDE TABLE & SOLUNAR CHARTS WEEKLY FORECAST LUNAR CALENDARSabine Pass tide times and tide charts showing high tide and low tide heights and accurate times out to 30 days. The tide is currently rising in Freeport. 31ft will be at 10:15am and the lowest tide of 0. Seas 2 to 3 feet. Surfside Beach tides this week; Surfside Beach tide charts and tide times for this week. Forecast update in Updates in hr min s Update imminent. Next high tide is 9:19 am. 51 ft. 105 days (UTC -6) Weekly forecast. Very warm air temperatures (max 90°F on Sun morning, min 82°F on Sat night. Next HIGH TIDE in Freeport is at 5:16PM. Local time: 7:47:09 AM. DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration National Ocean Service Page 2 of 5 Station ID: 8772440 PUBLICATION DATE: 10/20/2011 Name: FREEPORT, DOW BARGE CANAL TX NOAA Chart: 11321 Latitude: 28° 56. 0. The coldest month is January with an average water temperature of. Today's tide times for San Luis Pass, Texas ( 1. Fishing is good for redfish, trout and some flounder drifting with live shrimp under a popping cork in the mornings in Bastrop Bay, Christmas Bay and the west end of Galveston. 07 ft at 11:23 PM. Saturday 22 July 2023, 1:52PM CDT (GMT -0500). Freeport, DOW Barge Canal. 33ft was at 2:07am. Freeport Entrance Jetty, TX Tide Chart. FZUS54 KHGX 160323CWFHGX. Tide Times are CDT (UTC -5. Texas ( US) time change . The tidal range today is approximately 0. High tides and low tides. The sun rose up at 6:29 am and the sun will go down at 8:23 pm. raw error syntax error at line 1, column 49, byte 49: <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//IETF//DTD HTML 2. All locations Canada Vancouver Mexico U. 7/23/2023: The tide now in South Freeport, ME is falling. Print Tide Table. Saturday 22 July 2023, 4:25PM CDT (GMT -0500). Weekly tides. which is in 13hr 26min 06s from now. Sunday 9 April 2023, 10:51PM CDT (GMT -0500). Christmas Bay tide times and tide charts showing high tide and low tide heights and accurate times out to 30 days. Next low tide in USCG Freeport, Texas is at 3:30 PM, which is in 4 hr 53 min 17 s from now. 52 ft at 7:57 PM. 52 mm : Low Tide: 20:51 at -0. 46 - 48. major Time: 08:58 pm - 10:58 pm. 5:09am. North America United States Texas Freeport . Galveston Pier 21, TX. Tides . American, Steakhouse Menu. 0. 37 ft. Thu 13 Jul Fri 14 Jul Sat 15 Jul Sun 16 Jul Mon 17 Jul Tue 18 Jul Wed 19 Jul Max Tide Height. Tide tables and solunar charts for Port Bolivar: high tides and low tides, surf reports, sun and moon rising and setting times, lunar phase, fish activity and weather conditions in Port Bolivar. As you can see on the tide chart, the highest tide of 0. Sunrise and sunset time for today. Click the “Map View” button above to see a chart of this harbor. High tide times and tide charts in Texas. Tide Height. 7/17/2023 by Param Bhatia. NOAA Station:Freeport Harbor (8772440) Day Low Tide (FT) High Tide (FT) Mon 19: 09:39 pm. Sunday 23 July 2023, 11:51AM CDT (GMT -0500). Location guide for USCG Freeport, Texas tide station, also showing nearby tide stations and surf breaks. Similar to how the tidal changes affect fishing charters, shore fishing is very dependent on the tides. Texas ( US) time change . Site navigation. Next high tide is 8:00 am. 7 52 F 2 10:45 AM -0. As you can see on the tide chart, the highest tide of 1. The predicted tide times today on Sunday 23 July 2023 for Christmas Point, Christmas Bay are: first low tide at 4:09am, first high tide at 11:46am, second low tide at 5:49pm, second high tide at 11:29pm. 9°F / 30. 16km NNW of Surfside Beach/Freeport. Fri 21 Jul Sat 22 Jul Sun 23 Jul Mon 24 Jul Tue 25 Jul Wed 26 Jul Thu 27 Jul Max Tide Height. Local time: 12:54:25 PM. 105 days (UTC -6) Weather . There are hundreds of tide charts for Florida because the tides vary every 10 or so miles depending on the location. Galveston Pleasure Pier, TX Tides. 62 ft and maximum tide of 2. Sun rise tomorrow is 6:47 AM. 9483° N, 95. The moon phase is Waxing Crescent tonight. Texas. 5°C. Texas, United States. Texas. Rhode Island. 31ft will be at 12:49pm. Partly cloudy. Texas tide charts; Brazoria County tide charts; Freeport tide chart; Freeport weather; Freeport weather forecast for this week. major Time: 02:45 pm - 04:45 pm. January February March Time Height Time Height Time Height Time Height Time Height Time Height h m ft cm 1 10:03 AM -0. Surfside Tide Chart; Freeport Tides And Currents. USCG Freeport, Texas Live Weather Report. Texas ( US) time change . High tides and low tides. Fishing. -. Dew Point: 0ºF. 12:43 AM: high : 1. com. 32 ft with a minimum tide of -0. Sunrise and sunset time for today. High. Best tides for fishing in Freeport this week. Sunset today is 8:23 PM. Freeport, DOW Barge Canal tide table for the next 7 days Issued (local time): 12 am Friday 21 Jul 2023. Sacramento County. Tides run an average of 4 feet from high to low tide. 1. which is in 3hr 1min 06s from now. 95ft was at 12:21am and the lowest tide of 0. We also include live weather reports from ships and buoys if data are submitted close to USCG Freeport, Texas, United States and within an acceptable time window. Sacramento River - Freeport. The warmest water temperature is in August with an average around 86. x These raw data have not been subjected to the National Ocean Service's quality control or quality assurance procedures and do not meet the criteria and standards of official National Ocean Service data. World Weather. 08 ft at 2:01 AM. Tide tables and solunar charts for Galveston Pleasure Pier: high tides and low tides, surf reports, sun and moon rising and setting times, lunar phase, fish activity and weather conditions in Galveston Pleasure Pier. Tides are low, but drifting shallow water can produce redfish on cut mullet. Best Dining in Freeport, Texas Gulf Coast: See 826 Tripadvisor traveler reviews of 43 Freeport restaurants and search by cuisine, price, location, and more. California Florida. Error: There was a problem retrieving station data from the CO-OPS Metadata API. All the times are generated in local time in Texas and the daylight saving time change has also been borne in mind for your convenience,. Freeport. Other Nearby Locations' tide tables and tide charts to Freeport, DOW Barge Canal,. 5' W ( -95. 5363. TIDE TABLE & SOLUNAR CHARTS WEEKLY FORECAST LUNAR CALENDARGet Freeport, Brazoria County best bite times, fishing tide tables, solunar charts and marine weather for the week. Site navigation. 31ft will be at 2:35pm and the lowest tide of 0. Min 82°F/Max 86°F Wind . Predictions are available with water levels, low tide and high tide for up to 10. The tidal range today is approximately 2. The tide calendar is available worldwide. Sunset is. As you can see on the tide chart, the highest tide of 1. Full moon for this month, and moon phases calendar. As you can see on the tide chart, the highest tide of 1. Upper Texas coastal waters from High Island to the Matagorda Ship Channel out 60 nautical miles including Galveston and Matagorda Bays. These are the tide predictions from the nearest tide station in USCG Freeport, 1. 26 ft. The tide is falling in Freeport at the moment. Locust St. The tide is currently rising in Freeport Channel. For well information this can be a district-assigned local number. 33ft was at 12:08am. 7894’ W. 106 days (UTC -6) Weather . Tide chart for Freeport Showing low and high tide times for the next 30 days at Freeport. The grey shading corresponds to. TIDE TABLE & SOLUNAR CHARTS WEEKLY FORECAST LUNAR CALENDARSan Luis Pass tide times and tide charts showing high tide and low tide heights and accurate times out to 30 days. 11009 - Cape Hatteras to Straits of Florida. Blue = High Tide Red = Low Tide . Solunar Clock is designed to display a fishing times chart combined with tide times and other solunar events in an easy to read graph. Today's Tides (LST/LDT) 5:44 PM low. The principal industry is the Dow Chemical Corporation which operates two large plants. Texas, United States. Day. Know the weather forecast and sea conditions in Freeport for the next few days. 31ft was at 8:17am and the lowest tide of 0ft was at 12:15am. 65 ft at 7:21 PM. Sun rise tomorrow is 6:44 AM. . 105 days (UTC -6). The grey shading corresponds to nighttime hours between sunset and sunrise. Today's tide times for Corpus Christi, Texas ( 1. At a quick glance you can get an idea of what fishing.