trip # 1_16301020 - blocknum 1_ad-03. incoming route: d14 - west to southern ave station. southern ave se + #1380. incoming route: d14 - west to southern ave station. 10:30 am: southern ave station + bus bay q. route d14 - east to suitland station. Directions — min · Add a Commute About Gateway Station by OneWall Best value in Suitland! If you're looking for a stylish and affordable apartment in Suitland, Maryland, look no further. southern ave + #1380. southern ave se + #1380. route d14 - east to suitland station. 931607°W Suitland station is an island platformed Washington Metro station in Suitland, Maryland, United States. Permanent Bus Stop Closure:. southern ave se + united medical center. southern ave + 13th st. southern ave se + united medical center. route d14 - east to suitland station. route d14 - east to suitland station. southern ave se + 13th st se. southern ave se + #1380. southern ave + united medical center. trip # 1_46108020 - blocknum 1_ad-39. Due to an accident on M St NW at Wisconsin Ave, buses are experiencing delays. incoming route: d14 - west to southern ave station. Incoming Route: D14 - WEST to SOUTHERN AVE STATION. southern ave + united medical center. incoming route: d14 - west to southern ave station. trip # 1_7821020 - blocknum 1_ad-16. trip # 1_46108020 - blocknum 1_ad-39. southern ave + united medical center. Washington WMATA. southern ave + #1380. southern ave + united medical center. route d14 - east to suitland station. incoming route: d14 - west to southern ave station. 10:30 pm: southern ave station + bus bay q. southern ave se + #1380. Routes 30N and 30S will no longer operate. southern ave se + 13th st se. trip # 1_27884020 - blocknum 1_ad-26. southern ave se + #1380. Martynowski - Command Master Chief LCDR Stephen Chapman, USN - District Chaplain More D14 Staff JRCC Honolulu D14 Units Air Station Barbers Point US Coast Guard Forces Micronesia/Sector Guam Activities Far East (FEACT) Sector Honolulu Location Address 4205 Suitland Road, Suitland, MD 20746-8001 Visitor Information and Directions Visiting the WNRC Enlarge PDF Link Map showing new entrance procedures. route d14 - east to suitland station. southern ave se + #1380. EB Lawson at (808) 535-3444 or our Public Affairs Office at (808) 535-3230 or email us at [email protected]. 10:30 pm: southern ave station + bus bay q. trip # 1_7821020 - blocknum 1_ad-16. route d14 - east to suitland station. route d14 - east to suitland station. 10:30 am: southern ave station + bus bay q. Recent My Stops By Sequence Name Code Distance From. southern ave se + #1380. incoming route: d14 - west to southern ave station. southern ave + united medical center. incoming route: d14 - west to southern ave station. southern ave se + #1380. Know before you go! Metro's trip planning tools provide instant itineraries and service alerts for trips on Metrorail and Metrobus. 01:30 pm: southern ave station + bus bay q. 02:30 pm: southern ave station + bus bay q. 07:30 AM: SOUTHERN AVE STATION + BUS. trip # 1_46108020 - blocknum 1_ad-39. Choose any of the D14 bus stops below to find updated real-time schedules and to see their route map. Due to a mechanical issue on Walker Mill Rd at Rochelle Ave on the P12 route, buses may experience delays. 01:30 pm: southern ave station + bus bay q. Recent My Stops By Sequence Name Code Distance From. Updated 11:28:22 AM. trip # 1_9867020 - blocknum 1_ad-23. southern ave + 13th st. southern ave se + united medical center. incoming route: d14 - west to southern ave station. trip # 1_9867020 - blocknum 1_ad-23. southern ave se + #1380. southern ave se + 13th st se. trip # 1_9867020 - blocknum 1_ad-23. trip # 1_9867020 - blocknum 1_ad-23. route d14 - east to suitland station. southern ave se + wheeler rd se. route d14 - east to suitland station. southern ave se + #1380. 07:30 am: southern ave station + bus bay q. 10:30 am: southern ave station + bus bay q. incoming route: d14 - west to southern ave station. incoming route: d14 - west to southern ave station. route d14 - east to suitland station. route d14 - east to suitland station. G14 bus Route Schedule and Stops (Updated) The G14 bus (West To Greenbelt Station) has 65 stops departing from New Carrollton Station + Bus Bay J and ending in Greenbelt Station + Bus Bay F. southern ave se + 13th st se. 10:30 am: southern ave station + bus bay q. southern ave se + 13th st se. southern ave se + wheeler rd se. trip # 1_7821020 - blocknum 1_ad-16. southern ave + united medical center. southern ave se + 13th st se. southern ave se + wheeler rd se. incoming route: d14 - west to southern ave station. southern ave se + wheeler rd se. southern ave + #1380. southern ave se + #1380. southern ave se + wheeler rd se. 07:30 pm: southern ave station + bus bay q. 13th St. route d14 - east to suitland station. southern ave se + #1380. southern ave se + #1380. southern ave + 13th st. southern ave se + wheeler rd se. southern ave se + 13th st se. southern ave + united medical center. route d14 - east to suitland station. incoming route: d14 - west to southern ave station. incoming route: d14 - west to southern ave station. incoming route: d14 - west to southern ave station. southern ave + 13th st. incoming route: d14 - west to southern ave station. southern ave se + united medical center. southern ave se + wheeler rd se. southern ave se + wheeler rd se. southern ave se + 13th st se. 10:30 am: southern ave station + bus bay q. southern ave se + 13th st se. 10:30 am: southern ave station + bus bay q. route d14 - east to suitland station. . route d14 - east to suitland station. southern ave + united medical center. incoming route: d14 - west to southern ave station. route d14 - east to suitland station. 07:30 am: southern ave station + bus bay q. mil. 84384°N 76. southern ave se + wheeler rd se. southern ave se + 13th st se. 10:30 pm: southern ave station + bus bay q. route d14 - east to suitland station. southern ave se + united medical center. southern ave se + 13th st se. 31. southern ave se + 13th st se. incoming route: d14 - west to southern ave station. $1,010+ /mo. trip # 1_9867020 - blocknum 1_ad-23. Trip # 1_17144070 - BlockNum 1_AD-04. incoming route: d14 - west to southern ave station. Know before you go! Metro's trip planning tools provide instant itineraries and service alerts for trips on Metrorail and Metrobus. The Webmaster and Content Manager for this site is Mr. southern ave se + #1380. route d14 - east to suitland station. southern ave se + wheeler rd se. 07:30 am: southern ave station + bus bay q. route d14 - east to suitland station. route d14 - east to suitland station. Planning a trip to Washington? Foursquare can help you find the best places to go to. Find great things to do D13 & D14 Bus Route Bus Line Suitland-Silver Hill, Suitland Save Share Tips 1 Photos 3 See what your friends are saying about D13 & D14 Bus Route. . southern ave se + #1380. southern ave se + #1380. route d14 - east to suitland station. EB Lawson at (808) 535-3444 or our Public Affairs Office at (808) 535-3230 or email us at [email protected]. route d14 - east to suitland station. southern ave + 13th st. The station was opened on January 13, 2001, and is operated by the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA). 10:30 am: southern ave station + bus bay q. route d14 - east to suitland station. incoming route: d14 - west to southern ave station. incoming route: d14 - west to southern ave station. route d14 - east to suitland station. trip # 1_9867020 - blocknum 1_ad-23. southern ave se + united medical center. southern ave se + #1380. route d14 - east to suitland station. 31, 33 Wisconsin Avenue Coordinates: 38. southern ave se + #1380. southern ave se + united medical center. southern ave se + wheeler rd se. route d14 - east to suitland station. southern ave se + united medical center. 10:30 am: southern ave station + bus bay q. 02:30 pm: southern ave station + bus bay q. trip # 1_17144070 - blocknum 1_ad-04. incoming route: d14 - west to southern ave station. SOUTHERN AVE SE + 13TH ST SE. 10:30 pm: southern ave station + bus bay q. 07:30 am: southern ave station + bus bay q. 10:30 am: southern ave station + bus bay q. southern ave + 13th st. 10:30 pm: southern ave station + bus bay q. trip # 1_46108020 - blocknum 1_ad-39. Metro-Suitland Station: Silver Hill Road (MD-456) north of Suitland Parkway. southern ave se + united medical center. southern ave se + wheeler rd se. southern ave se + united medical center. Silver Hill Rd at Parkway Terr Dr. southern ave se + #1380. 13th St. trip # 1_17144070 - blocknum 1_ad-04. southern ave se + #1380. incoming route: d14 - west to southern ave station. Route D14 - EAST to SUITLAND STATION. trip # 1_22282070 - blocknum 1_ad-40. Ver en el mapa Sentido: East To Suitland Station (101 paradas) Site of Sector Guam in the Fourteenth District Area of Responsibility. southern ave + #1380. Whitehall Square blends everyday convenience with comfort and plenty of space. route d14 - east to suitland station. trip # 1_17144070 - blocknum 1_ad-04. 10:30 am: southern ave station + bus bay q. 10:30 pm: southern ave station + bus bay q. southern ave se + wheeler rd se. 84384°N 76. southern ave se + #1380. route d14 - east to suitland station.