. Dark Magic and Lightning damage replenish your shield; you do more damage while your shield is full. So more or less I would use dire sacrifice to lower my health to take advantage of lord of edges, while wraith mail and restore the veil would keep my ward up to get the bonus from flawless edge. The key to a good Graveborn build in Wonderlands is stacking effects that. Graveborn is a good addition to most classes. I’ve been playing coop with some friends and started Graveborn and was intending to play a companion build. Doesn’t have a pet companion. This build is a Graveborn / Spellshot. I running a spore/blight build with Spore to quiver and medi shroom and Blight all the way down. Graveborn's Ability Damage get's a huge boost from Spore Warden's "Affinity", cooldown from "Bounty of the Hunt", you get a companion that can revive you, and "Quiver of Holding" gives you +mag size and ammo regen. Skills. That's because there are some important ones that enhance and buff the. Man me neither 💀 all I know is that I've seen my companions damage hit 44k damage. Even more so than the mainline Borderlands games, Tiny Tina's Wonderlands thrives on its deep and varied system of. 2. In addition to that, you will gain another Hero Point each time you level up. The first most important skill with the Graveborn skill tree is the Faithful Thralls skill. You can focus on Blast Gasp procs, and benefit from Worse Curse, but you won’t get nearly as many procs or Spell damage as you would with a Spellshot Graveborn combo. The Best Leveling Build for Tiny Tina's Wonderlands When comparing the Graveborn to all other classes in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands , the Graveborn has the least gear-dependent early game. Morheim’s Blessing, Graveborn’s ultimate ability, is essential. Go dark magic with stab secondary you only need the first couple to boost the damage of the dark magic you will do. . Burnt offering is there for some extra weapon damage and all the extra dark magic damage and efficiency from gravelord. Spellweaving, is also directly tied to the strength of this build. Shadow Step. Spellshot. So let's say you were going for a Tiny Tina's. The first class to combine with this assassin is the Graveborn as it will massively boost its strength and constitution stats which will help it perform Critical hits. . GraveZerker. Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. This guide will help you choose the best skills and abilities to level up for playing Spore Warden solo. For those wanting to opt for more of a melee build, combining. I think Brr-Zerker works best with either Graveborn, for a super health-sponge build or with Stabomancer for more offense, probably even taking Stabomancer as primary build. It seems Stabbomancer has the most generic damage boosts of all classes. If you are more into magic. Mage Armor: 1 Point. Unlike other class combinations on our list, this Graveborn + Brr-Zerker combo has its skill points equally distributed between the two classes. Companion/Spell Dmg rings. The Reaper of Bones actions skill helps with the hard to reach bosses and you can use companions that add to Faithful Thralls (hydra spells, ferivor weapons, etc) to boost Dire Sacrifice damage. 32. Whenever you create a new character in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands, you will be able to distribute a total of ten extra Hero Points to your stats. Also wards that have very high shield values for the Brrzerkers skill that takes away shield for more health. Op · 1 mo. No. Graveborn. This build has you stacking insane amounts of magic damage, critting with every spell, and getting stacking damage boosts to those c. The Companions of Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands may get in the way sometimes, but they’re surprisingly smart, strong, and they’re of great service. Character Primary Class Graveborn Secondary Class Stabbomancer Level 40 Chaos 100 Weapons Type Item. Due to this ability, we will. Companions might occasionally hover in front of the player, but having. Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands allows you to build your characters however you want, but there are certain builds that tend to be better than just haphazardly throwing one together. Undoubtedly, the least solo-friendly class in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands is the Graveborn since both of its Action Skills (Reaper of Bones and Dire Sacrifice) use the player's HP to cause damage to. . Best Starting Stats for Spellshot. Best Graveborn and Brr-Zerker Action Skill Build Spellshot Action Skills and Skill Tree. Let's dig into the details. Spellborn This build is all about stacking your spellweave and dishing out your gun damage and spells. . A good choice is an enchantment that boosts elemental damage by 20%, or one that boosts move speed (and therefore your damage). The Graveborn is an interesting mix between a spell caster and a summoner in Wonderlands. Only certain skills will roll on certain combinations of classes for armor. This Wonderlands Graveborn build will kill EVERYTHING FOR YOU!If you have enjoyed this video be sure to hit that LIKE & SUBSCRIBE button!PARTNERS⚡️ Gfuel -. This applies to all damage types, including weapons and spells. Working my way from CR35 to 50 I'm melting everything I look at, with gear that's decent but not a great fit for the build. Arsenal is +15% melee, spell and gun damage. Spellshot Action Skills and Skill Tree. In order to get the most out of this skill, it makes sense to summon as many companions as possible. Action Skill: From the Shadows. Our Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Clawbringer build makes use of the strong elemental abilities inherent with the class and combines it with the Spore Warden to powerful effect. 127 comments. · 1 mo. The extra pet and poison damage (plus rez on death) is really nice! 100% Spore Warden. They are Death-touched acolytes who sacrifice health to unleash devastating Dark Magic attacks and become the phantasmal Reaper of Bones, accompanied by their manic Demi-Lich companion. The Graveborn type is an excellent choice for fighting in the Chaos Chamber, farming XP, and raid boss battles. The Graveborn class adds a number of magical enhancements to your already magical build. Out of all the six, I found this class to be the most versatile thanks to one simple ability – summoning. . Spellshot so you constantly proc your kill. This is my favorite combo rn, build up your health and go bottom of brzerker tree, are blasts that do dumb. This build stacks a lot of Graveborn. Additionally, the Village Idiot Backstory is a great backstory, as that will give you a total of eight more points into Strength, at a cost of only removing three Intelligence hich isn’t overly important for Brr-zerker. Stay tuned for more Tiny Tina Wonderlands guides as well! Alternatively, you can try out the Graveborn / Spore Warden build or the Stabbomancer / Clawbringer one if you plan to choose that class. Each of these attributes influences how well your character will perform in certain aspects. You need a couple of key weapons that spawn hydra's and then you can mix up the other slots that remain with items that fit your style of gameplay. Glass Cannon: 1 Point. Creating the best Stabbomancer build in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands requires players to focus on a run-and-gun style of gameplay over stealth tactics. Corrupted Platemail, for 30% damage converted to Dark Magic. 29. . The Stabbomancer class excels in. They are Virulence, Active Decay, Bog Down, Toxicity, and Spirit Swarm. This build is a Graveborn. Your Spells can be whatever as well, however, one of them. The skill tree of the Stabbomancer is a great pair for the Brr-zerker because it has a number of skills that enhances damage on enemies who are. Graveborn is Tiny Tina's Wonderlands' Dark Magic practitioner, specializing in Spells and Kill Skills. Class Feat: Demi-Lich Companion — You’re accompanied by a floating Demi-Lich (skull-bird thing) that deals ranged dark magic. Like other builds, the Graveborn in Tiny Tina's has 14 classes to chose from and level up, as well as two action skills. Updated Apr 30, 2023 Here's everything you need to know to make this build in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. I was melting banshee in about 6-8 seconds with fearnot feriore hydras on my spellshot Graveborn build (save quit farming so I didn’t even have the glitch) and then the next morning it started taking close to 2-3 minutes. here’s a build list I made for chaos 35 builds only, keeping it updated as I find more. Graveborn + Spore Warden = Morticulturalist (The Pet Build) Speaking of pets, Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands’ Warlock and Ranger classes makes for a very potent Pet build. Heya Buddies, today I wanted to show you this raid boss ready Blightcaller Graveborn (best) Build that is able to melt raid bosses very easy. This is my Graveborn BrrZerker build. Stacking hydras with gun reloads (3 headed is the best) and buffing dmg with reaper of bones (Ability Cooldown is a must). The idea behind this build is simple, you will have extra dark magic damage and companion damage. Like you said, the Clawbringer's pet buffs only work on the Wyvern while the Graveborn and Spore Warden pet buffs work for all companions: the Demi-Lich, Mushroom, and many hydras. The Graveborn's passive ability is that it summons a Demi-lich follower who will occasionally shoot Dark Magic at enemies. Still unsure what I want to sub. . Clawbringer Spo. The Fatemaker should lean into this by focusing on skills that buff these aspects. As for the Graveborn's passive, you get an Arch-Lich companion. Melee damage isn’t necessary but it helps. The launch of Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands is just around the corner, so now is the perfect time to start thinking about how you will build your Graveborn. This is a very easy to get into build for the Graveborn class on Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. Our Tiny Tina's Wonderlands Spore Warden build is designed to make you a ranged killer who stands back and deals tonnes of damage with guns, spells, and your little flatulent companion. They mostly consist of fallen heroes that have been raised from the dead and now reap havoc upon Esperia. This is his LVL 40 Melee build that combines the Stabbomancer and Graveborn character classes that can devastate Chaos 100 by utilizing the Stab-O-Matic. Graveborn. 1. They bring death, dark magic, and their Demi-Lich Companion with them everywhere they go. In Tiny Tina's Wonderlands, those who are looking to be as offensive as possible should create the best Stabbomancer build. Mushroom Healer is badass. Our demiliches are fine, but there’s a good chance that summoning a temporary companion on kill will be where most of our companion rewards will come from. Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands: Best Graveborn / Spore Warden Build. . Graveborn is the necromancer of Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. 'Blast Gasp' and 'Ascension,' two of the more powerful Graveborn passives, rely on a spell-based playstyle. First, let. 0 % Crit Chance Intelligence 17 +7. 4) Graveborn/Spore Warden is a companion swarm Graveborn and Spore Warden are a no-brainer when it comes to playing solo. Which. I'm likely already very chaos 50 viable as is, with possible upgrades in most if not all slots. I’m rocking graveborn sporewarden companion build and it’s absolutely busted. To fully utilize Graveborn's unique traits, players will want to lean into Spell Damage. Constitution - increases Max HP/Ward. Graveborns can become undying reapers who gain. This Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands Build is made by Ancient Rune. Today we are going over a super good Graveborn / Spore Warden build in Tiny Tina's Wonderlands. However, if you don’t know the interesting fact about this build, then the skills that. Brr-Reaver - BEST DIRE SACRIFICE BUILD (Graveborn/Brr-Zerker) - NUKE CHAOS CHAMBERS! / Tiny Tina Wonderlands - Best ability damage action skill build. Today we break down companions and how to scale their damage! Hope you guys enjoy the guide!Configure your own elite gaming PC today and use coupon code MOXS. In this Tiny Tina's Wonderlands video I have put together the best Graveborn Build for you to use on Day 1 of release. Ultimate Spells Build for Spellshot and Graveborn Spore Warden Action Skills and Skill Tree. Whenever the Fatemaker casts a spell, the Demi-Lich also casts a. Plus, let me know what build and class you are using in the comments below. This build is rather gear dependant though, as you need a spell that spawns hydras and a Tediore gun that spawns hydras on reload. Today we break down my Spellshot x Graveborn Build! Hope you guys enjoy the guide!Configure your own elite gaming PC today and use coupon code MOXSY at check. 487. I think I'll do graveborn for the companion build. ago. The Graveborn will likely be a class that rewards experienced players who master its downsides, which could make it very rewarding in the long term. As you can cycle status effects with Contagion on single target it can translate it. 3. It essentially boosts the damage dealt with each companion. Best Graveborn Build in Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands. The Wyvern might be stronger on its own but the many stronger pets probably adds up, not to mention making them. . By Matthew Byrd | March 28, 2022 | | 0 Photo: 2K Games While Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands isn’t as deep of a role-playing game as the looter shooter’s D&D style may. ago. The Graveborn is an excellent spellcasting class that can inflict large amounts of dark magic damage. Has absolutely insane ricochet damage but also very good direct damage. Hey Guys! Do you want to melt enemies with nothing but companions and a massive storm in the sky shooting out elemental bolts. The second step you have to go through while creating a build in TTW is selecting the. Companions, Spells shot, damage done, cooldowns and health are all buffed per stack, and that can be exponential like ridiculous. It combines the Spellshot and the Graveborn character classes and focuses on companions to do crazy damage. Tiny Tina’s Wonderlands allows you to build your characters however you want, but there are certain builds that tend to be better than just haphazardly throwing one together. Best Graveborn and Brr-Zerker Action Skill Build. I would do spore, but my main is spore and that seems a bit redundant Reply. Brr-Zerker. This means putting points in the skill tree into your companion, magic, strength, and more. This build additionally uses a series of Kill Skills to give a temporary ally in the form of Dark Hydras and buffs on spells. Furthermore, everytime you cast a spell, it fires out a powerful dart. ; Firstly, for the stats, we. . To get the. You will have 7-9 companions boosting your damage (x1 Demi Lich, x3 Dark Hydra, x2 (3/4) Totems, x1 Spirit Swarms) without factoring in the possible nine from Pixies (16-18). . In this Twist of Fate, your character had to escape a monastery after practically shitting on a monk. A Thousand Cuts. . I regularly do 2m+ every few seconds with my Graveborn/Spellshot dual laserhands build.